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JHosszu 06-03-2003 06:12 PM

Project Build Orders..

I am evaluating VBP5 for some of our development needs. I am in charge of configuration management for our project team and am trying to make a recommendation to purchace a license for your product.

But I have run into an anomaly I am curious about.

I am using VC6 step to compile a eMBedded VC++ project file that is a container for other projects.

When ran under the IDE everything builds fine with the dependencies etc. Libs are created first and then the .dlls and .exes.

When ran under VBP the individual projects are compiled in what appears to be alphabetical order.

This is killing the compile since some libs are not being created before other dependecies.

Any ideas?


John Hosszu

kinook 06-04-2003 09:01 AM

You need to specify the workspace file in the Make VC6 action in order for it to process project dependencies, are you doing that? The only situation that I've seen the Make VC6 action not correctly process dependencies is when the workspace's dependency reference to a project did not match the actual project name (somehow the workspace had gotten into an invalid state by manual editing or something). Other than that, it is possible for the Make VC6 action to process projects in a different order than the VC IDE, but it always correctly honors dependencies, except in the situation above. If you could send the workspace file and a log showing the order that VisBuildProis processing the projects to, I can take a look and see if something is amiss.

JHosszu 06-04-2003 10:02 AM

I think I found my problem...

Stay tuned as I am testing, thanks for the quick reply.

John Hosszu

JHosszu 06-04-2003 10:10 AM


Ok I did find the problem. You suggestions above got me to look deeper into the workspace.

The basic problem was a project checked in without its dependencies set.

I currently run builds with PHP and System commands using the command line calling the evc.exe. I export from CVS everytime and never have to force new builds. As such with the IDE building in a 'different' order than VBP, the dependant project that was failing for me was already built so we did not see our error until now.

Thanks for your time and information. Forgive my retardedness if you will.


John Hosszu

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