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wyu 08-17-2005 09:25 AM

Editing the Summary table of Wise for Windows installer
I have a similar question as a previous post:

I'm also trying to edit a table different from the property table in Wise. I'm am mainly trying to automatically edit the Summary table for the windows installer. Is there any means of doing that?


Originally posted by pyang
I found another way of updating the other tables, which is by exporting them out to an idt file then made the changes and import them back.


I'm am unfamilar with the previous poster's solution of exporting & importing of the idt file.

My main purpose for editing the summary table set the version number from a Visual build macro into the summary table's version number


kinook 08-18-2005 10:10 AM

The version is typically stored in the ProductVersion property (updated from the Wise action via a Property/Value setting for ProductVersion). To update a value in a different table, you could use the WfWI automation object model to set the desired value. For instance, add this VBScript to the Wise step's vbld_StepStarted script event (step properties -> Script Editor -> step tab -> Events -> vbld_StepStarted):

Set wise = CreateObject("WFWI.Document")
fname = Step.ExpProperty(Builder, "Filename")
wise.Open fname
Set tblSumm = wise.WTables("Summary")
tblSumm.WRows.Row("").WColumns("Value").Data = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("%VER_MACRO%")
wise.Save fname

replacing and VER_MACRO as appropriate.

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