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BallyUK 09-01-2005 06:08 AM

Copying Files
At the end of our build process I wish to copy some files. So... just trying a simple copy step.

Source: E:\bin\built
Dest Folder: E:\dists\Arcade\Files

with include set to copy data from these two subdirectories of arcade/files

/Additional DLLs/*.*

No files get copied, and there are no files already in the destination directory.

I've tried
foldername\*.* and *
foldername/*.* and *

Why wont visual build copy anything!??!

kinook 09-01-2005 07:29 AM

That's not how folder inclusion/exclusion is specified with the Copy Files action. Try

\Additional DLLs

See the Copy Files help topics for full details and the VisBuildPro/Backup.bld sample for some examples.

BallyUK 09-01-2005 08:52 AM

Thanks for the reply, but even after looking at the help I don't understand what I am doing wrong...

Source: E:\bin\built
Dest: E:\dists\Arcade\Files


\Additional DLLs\Arcade
\Additional DLLs\Crystal


E:\bin\built\ -> E:\dists\Arcade\Files\
0 file(s) copied
Build successfully completed.

kinook 09-01-2005 09:02 AM

Folder inclusion/exclusion only supports one level of folder name (matching subfolders with that name/mask at any level), so you can specify



\Additional DLLs

but not

\Additional DLLs\Arcade

BallyUK 09-01-2005 10:12 AM

ah, ok thankyou.
Looks like its batch file time then :)

kinook 09-01-2005 10:27 AM

It's not entirely clear to me why the Copy Files action wouldn't work. If you can describe your directory/file layout (src and dest) in a little more detail, I might be able to suggest a way to use Copy Files to achieve what you're looking for. Xcopy or Robocopy [1] could also be used from a Run Program step if the Copy Files action is not flexible enough for your needs.

pjaquiery 09-01-2005 03:32 PM

Use multiple Copy Files steps:

Source: E:\bin\built
Dest: E:\dists\Arcade\Files\Additional DLLs



Source: E:\bin\built
Dest: E:\dists\Arcade\Files



BallyUK 09-02-2005 03:35 AM

Thankyou for the help, both of you.
I've solved the problem now, but may I suggest in future versions it would be useful to have a more flexible copy system, or at least one with some error handling (I had no idea what I was doing wrong).

Thanks again...

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