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HalfCyborg 09-22-2005 09:58 AM

Intermittent Lockups
I am having problems with intermittent lockups. I keep UR minimized in my tray at all times. Lately, it has started refusing to respond. When I try to recover by right-click, close it, I get this message in a pop-up window:

"The program can not be closed. If it is being debugged, please resume it or close the debugger first."

The only way I can fix it is to log off windows to force it closed. I have tried a compact/repair to no avail. My db is fairly large but not huge (175 MB) and it consists mostly of saved web pages.

The problem may manifest itself in 5 minutes or 5 hours. If I leave it open overnight it is always stuck in the morning.

Is anyone else having similar problems?

Windows 2000 SP4 with latest patches.

HalfCyborg 09-22-2005 10:15 AM

Additional Info
Here is the output from SysInternals Debugview program (sorry about the formatting):

0000000 0.00000000 Create (Playback), SampleRate: 48000, NumChannels: 2, SampleSize: 16

00000001 0.00071629 KSPROPERTY - SampleRate: 22050, NumChannels: 2, SampleSize: 16

00000002 0.00497214 [1736] Check exception: .\ApplicationUtils.cpp (147), DPG::GetExeNameFromHWND, addr = 0x10016973, last error = 5

00000003 0.00629689 [1736] Check exception: .\ApplicationUtils.cpp (147), DPG::GetExeNameFromHWND, addr = 0x10016973, last error = 5

00000004 0.93309259 Close (Playback), Bytes written: 83788

Leoram 09-22-2005 02:24 PM

I am also having problem with UR locking after minimized to system tray if then I maximize it. I have noticed this is new after I installed Ultra Recall 1.3b, UltraRecall.exe version in WinXP home ed. with no SP. I reinstalled UR with no avail. I then resorted to unselect "Minimize to system tray" and "Close button minimizes application window" and now UR does not lock. I hope this will be fixed soon.


HalfCyborg 09-22-2005 10:58 PM

I was just logging in to report a similar work-around.

I have unchecked:
"Minimize application at startup"
"Show application icon in system tray"
"Minimize to system tray"
"Esc minimizes application window"

But have left checked:
"Close Button minimizes application window"

....and my lockups appear to have stopped as well.

kinook 09-23-2005 08:23 AM

I always run w/ minimize to tray/Esc to minimize and have not seen this problem (Windows XP SP2). I also was not able to reproduce on Windows 2000 SP4.

What exactly do you mean 'refusing to respond' and 'maximizing it'? What method(s) do you use to activate UR (hotkey, left-click on system tray icon, right-click system tray, Open UR)? It's doubtful the problem has anything to do with your database, but to verify that you could close it and open a sample DB and see if the problem still occurs.

Can you post or send to the info from Help | About | Install Info and an export of the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall (using regedit)?

I'm not sure what the debug info from the second post is, but it's not coming from UR. Could you both try closing any active applications and other system tray applets to see if they might be interfering with UR? Thanks.

HalfCyborg 09-23-2005 09:31 AM

I sent you the info you requested via email. Thanks for the followup.

I did this test, which leads me to believe that the stalls are being caused by the internal browser:

1. Closed all tray apps except ZoneAlarm and Norton AV 10 (Corporate version).

2. Closed my database and opened a new, empty one.

3. Changed the options back to the settings that have been causing problems.

4. Added one web page:

Now I can make the lockups occur at will. If I click on the web page in UR, it will lockup for about 20 seconds with all the symptoms previously mentioned. It does, in this case, eventually recover and render the page. However, on my regular db, it will stay locked up forever.

HalfCyborg 09-28-2005 08:18 AM

After following the suggestions from Kinook, I think I have isolated the problem. I used a startup managment tool and disabled all of the IBM Laptop utilities and no lockups occurred yesterday. I believe it is either the hotkey managment or on-screen display of volume util that was the source of the conflict.

Are you running an IBM Thinkpad?

Leoram 09-28-2005 08:54 AM

Compaq Presario 1200 laptop here HalfCyborg.

I want to point out however that (if i'm not wrong) it was after I upgraded to Ultra Recall 1.3b, UltraRecall.exe version that the problem emerged. If there is a conflict it is something I haven't investigated though. I have tried running UR with no other softwares up except some utilities that normally run at startup. The problem persists. I have resorted to deactivate "Minimize to system tray" and "Close button minimizes application window" I have isolated the problem only in that I have noticed that the lockup affects UR in my laptop, not in my desktop PC. I'm running UR in my PC with Win2000 SP4 with the above options activated and there's no problem. I hope this helps.


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