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VinceP 06-23-2003 11:47 AM

VBP for Source Safe Diff between Labels
Greetings All,
I'm trying to use VBP to do a Source Safe diff between two different versions of the same source safe file (say Label1 and Label2 of file test.c). With the VBP SourceSafe Diff options I only see the ability to do a diff between a single Source Safe version and a file on my own server, not between two SS versions. Is there a way to do this that I've missed??

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can lend!


pjaquiery 06-23-2003 04:02 PM

As far as I can see there is no way of using the command line interface to VSS to compare files between two projects.

VinceP 06-24-2003 06:07 AM

How bout 2 versions of same file
Thanks....but how about comparing 2 different versions of the same file within the same project?

pjaquiery 06-24-2003 04:02 PM

Same problem. Have a look in the VSS help in the "Reference Guide + Using the VSS Command Line + Difference + .." sections.

About your only option is to get one of the files to disk (using -V to specify a labeled version as required) then use the diff command to compare it with the VSS version.

VinceP 06-25-2003 06:12 AM

Yes that would definitely work....thanks for the suggestion!

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