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brian 06-23-2003 04:24 PM

Error message when building any .net projects
1 Attachment(s)

An error message pops up every time I build a .net project:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack trace:
at EnvDTE.Commands.AddnamedCommand(AddIn AddInInstance, String Name, String ButtonText, String Tooltip, Boolean MsOButton, Int32 Bitmap, Object[]& ContextUIGUIDs, Int32 vsCommandDisabledFlagsValue)
at InterfaceImplementer.Connect.OnConnection(Object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, Object addInInst, Array& custom)

Then after I close this error box, the step goes on and builds successfully. I have dozens of modules to build, so sit there and close each message box is a big waste of time.

I get the same error on both Visual Build 4.0a, Visual Build 5.0 when building C#, C++,, Windows Application projects, and Class Library projects.

My environment is Windows 2000 SP3 with .NET FrameWork version 1.0 SP2.

The problem is reproducible in 2 different computers having the same setup as described above. However, when I tried with windows XP, the message box did not appear. I wonder if this is a windows 200 only problem.


kinook 06-23-2003 10:23 PM

That error is actually coming from VS.NET, not VBP. It sounds like you've got a rogue add-in causing this problem on command-line builds. Try unloading your add-ins one by one to determine which one is the culprit.

brian 07-02-2003 11:07 PM

Thank you so much, that's exactly what the problem is.

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