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lherz 12-09-2005 06:25 PM

Process Files Question
I am trying to COM register a directory of files, with a twist. I need to exclude files that match a name pattern from being registered, but only if the condition of a specific macro is true. That is, I need to process all .dll files. If the %EXCLUDE_CLAIMS% macro evaluates to true, I will need to exclude any files with claim in the name.

I have tried using the step_Starting function and can determine when to skip the registration, but I need a way to exit the step if the condition evaluation requires it.

kinook 12-10-2005 12:58 AM

If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you want to process all files with a DLL extension, but sometimes exclude DLLs containing 'claim' in their name. One way to do that would be put *.dll in the Include field and this script expression in the Exclude field:

[vbld_IIf(%EXCLUDE_CLAIMS%, "*claim*", "")]

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