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gksawyers 01-11-2006 03:08 PM

Recurring Appointments
I am trying to add recurring appointments, some every three months and some every 6 months. I can not figure out if I can do this. I seem to only be able to do so on a month by month basis.

Any help appreciated.

G Sawyers

kinook 01-12-2006 07:20 AM

The only choices for Recurring are currently


We've added to our request list to support free-form entry of recurring amounts (ala the Reminder attribute).

Admin note:

As of UR 2.0, the supported options are:


x seconds
x minutes
x hours
x days
x weekdays
x months
x quarters
x years

dasymington 01-12-2006 05:43 PM

Additional options, e.g., three monthly for VAT returns, etc, would be useful.

quant 01-21-2007 02:56 PM

I would also like to be able to set the recurrence in the following ways:

- every work/week day or any particular set of the days
- recur every n week(s) on Mon/Tue/.../Sun, (choose any day(s) of the week I like)
- recur of the n-th of every m-th month(s)
- recur on the first/second/.../last Mon/Tue/.../Sun of every n-th month
- recur on every MM/DD of the year
- recur on first/second/.../last Mon/Tue/.../Sun of every Jan/Feb/.../Dec of the year

This one would probably be too much, but I could make of use it at the moment:
- recur n days before/after the first/second/.../last Mon/Tue/.../Sun of every n-th month

Please could you add the support of these values for the reminder attribute?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Quantum7 11-04-2007 04:59 PM

Found this thread while searching for Recurrence feature suggestions.

I'd also like most of the remarks suggested by Quant.

Basically: Everything the Outlook Recurrence feature allows would be good to have in UltraRecall.

PureMoxie 11-15-2007 12:12 PM

recurrence suggestion
I'd like to see the ability to have a recurrence values of fourth Monday of the month (for example), and first business day of month, last business day of month...

glenviewjeff 03-11-2009 02:23 PM

Yes, this is a big problem for me. UR incorrectly imports recurring appointments that I sync from Outlook. I have appointments that recur "every two weeks" in Outlook, but when received via sync by UR, UR shows them as every week.

quant 03-11-2009 03:39 PM

the whole proper calendar that was once planed would be nice to see implemented one day ...

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