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lsebba 01-12-2006 08:07 PM

search definition
Is there a way to limit the search for keywords to an exact match of a specific string? In other words, right now if I search for "spring", the search includes "springboard", "springer" etc as the search parameter is "Item contains". If I wanted to limit it to an exact match, and only an exact match, is that possible?


kevina 01-12-2006 10:19 PM

The contains keyword search logic uses an implied wildcard at the end, which behaves as you describe. You can use an Advanced Search of (Item) matches wildcard spring, which will do an exact match (all wildcards must be explicitly specified with this comparison operator).

We have on our todo list a more intuitive method of doing the exact keyword search you mentioned.

lsebba 01-13-2006 11:53 AM

Thanks. You guys are really great at responding quickly, at understanding the question and giving an answer that is precise.

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