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Don 01-27-2006 12:27 PM

KeyNote Import Issue
I am trialling UR. I have lots of data in KeyNote I need to import. The import via Treepad files works fine but there's an issue which I'm hoping someone has a workaround for. If a KeyNote note has a blank first line, UR assumes there is no content and skips over it. Rather than deleting hundreds and hundreds of blank lines, I'm hoping someone knows something I don't.

kevina 01-27-2006 12:56 PM

Can you send a small export file that reproduces this import behavior to for our evaluation?

Don 01-30-2006 07:44 AM

I've sent a couple of test files along as requested.

However, I've found a kind of workaround. When exporting from Keynote to Treepad, go to Treepad options and select "Export to Treepad shareware (formatted text)"--instead of "Export to TreePad freeware (text only)".

This has two effects. (1) UR reads the data in a note even if the first line is blank. (2) The imported text reflects the formatting of the original and does not bolden everything.

There is one downside to the workaround. There is some unintended indenting of all text.

kevina 01-30-2006 04:53 PM

Ultra Recall 1.4b has been updated with a fix for following reported Treepad import problems:
  ->not consistently importing plain text (when contains leading blank line(s)
  ->all imported plain text is bold

Please download and re-install the Ultra Recall v. 1.4b installation file to obtain this fix.

Note: I believe the indenting issue is something inherent with the KeyNote export file, but we can take a look at this as well if you provide a sample.

Don 01-30-2006 05:34 PM

Just as a piece of information ... I am experiencing these issues with 1.4B.

So the fixes aren't working the way you think they are.

kevina 01-30-2006 05:51 PM

Did you re-download and re-install the latest v. 1.4b installation file? The updated install is still labeled 1.4b, but includes the updated Treepad import functionality (which wasn't considered significant enough to create an entirely new version).

After installing the latest install file, you should see the following at Help | About | Install Info...
 - UltraRecall.exe version

Don 01-30-2006 06:03 PM

OK - point taken.

Let me download again and see what happens.

Don 01-30-2006 06:23 PM

Cool - works as advertised.

With the exception of the two-character indent. I will post you a sample file which contains indents in the UR file which weren't there in the Keynote file.

Thanks BTW ....

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