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igoldsmid 02-07-2006 12:32 AM

question about search syntax

I am trying to create a search that filters for:

any item with Task Priority attribute marked High
and/but without any reminders set.

Problem is that I've created all my tasks, and the template task to already have the reminder attributes available. The only search operator that would on the surface appear logical would be to say where reminder does not exist, or begin date does not exist - but even when no reminder is set, the actual attribute fields exist on every task. So really what would appear to be needed is a search operator someting like:

begin date is NOT equal or greater than - which could be set to a date in the past.


Thanks, IJG

kevina 02-08-2006 09:38 AM

Ultra Recall v.1.4c has just been released, which includes some fixes which make this search easier to construct.

A virtual, searchable Yes/No attribute called Has Reminder is available which determines if a pending reminder is assigned to an Info Item (Yes if a Pending Reminder attribute is assigned, otherwise No).

Another v1.4c change is that you can use a Matches Wildcard operator on Numeric attributes, which makes searching for non-numeric values in these attributes simpler (may be helpful since users can't change the attribute type/list values for the Priority system attribute).

So you could define an Advanced Search with a criteria of:
  Priority Matches Wildcard *High or 1 or whatever was appropriate
  and Has Reminder equals No

Isn't < the equivalent of NOT >= ?

igoldsmid 02-08-2006 05:45 PM

problem with has reminder search
Hi Kevin

currently i have 18 tasks attributed with high priority but without a reminder - and 18 tasks with high priority and a reminder. When I add has reminder = no to the search, the results returned contain 18 tasks attributed with high priority but without a reminder, AND 4 tasks attributed with high priority AND a reminder ???

Looking at those 4 tasks with reminders set, they look exactly like any other task with its reminder set, so I have no idea what's happening here.

igoldsmid 02-09-2006 05:56 AM

my mistake
I guess I am still trying to get my head around the nesting structures in advanced searches to ensure queries return what I want...
Re my previous post, the search using the new operator you provided - "has reminder" is actually working perfectly! Thanks.

I am finding the use of nesting in advanced searches counter-intuitive, but that's not a criticism, I think its just my particular inability to grok it... I am sure i'll get it with a bit more practice....

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