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jdavidi 02-28-2006 09:23 AM

Unable to set macros in vbld_BuildStarting Project script?
Good morning!

I have add plenty of macros with VBScript throughout my project steps, but I can't seem to get this to happen in the main Project script (vbld_BuildStarting event). When trying to use either of the add methods described here:

I get:

Error firing vbld_BuildStarting event: Error in System (VBScript) script code at Line 497, Column 1 (Name redefined: 'vbldTemporary') for the Application.Macros(vbldMacroTemporary).Add "MacroName", "MacroValue" attempt


Error firing vbld_BuildStarting event: Error in Project (VBScript) script code at Line 1, Column 1 (Type mismatch: 'vbld_TempMacros') for the vbld_TempMacros().Add "MacroName", "MacroValue" method.

Here's my syntax (which works from a Run Script step):
Application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "CMD_SUBBUILDNUMBER", "00"
Am I missing something silly or are macros not meant to be added/set in the vbld_BuildStarting event?



kinook 03-01-2006 08:16 AM

That is supported and works here. Please ZIP and send or post:
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info
2) The .bld file used to build
3) The file listed at Tools | Application Options | File Locations | Global Macros


jdavidi 03-01-2006 08:29 AM

Thanks for the reply; I noticed when I went to check my Help About screen that I'm on 6.0, and that 6.0a is available for download. I will get that version before sending anything.

jdavidi 03-01-2006 03:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello again,

I still get the problem with 6.0a, although with the newer version it appears to be adding the temporary macro before stopping the build with the 'Error firing vbld_BuildStarting event' error. Here is my Install Info:

Visual Build Professional 6.0a
Registered to: Info Directions, Inc. (1-computer license)
Windows Version: 5.0.2195.4.0
Install path: C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro6
SftTree_IX86_U_50.dll version 5.02
unins000.exe version
VisBuildCmd.exe version
VisBuildPro.exe version
VisBuildBld.dll version
VisBuildCore.dll version
VisBuildDotNET.dll version
VisBuildExt.dll version
VisBuildLog.dll version
VisBuildMisc.dll version
VisBuildMS.dll version
VisBuildMS2.dll version
VisBuildNet.dll version
VisBuildSvr.dll version
VisBuildSvr.Interop.dll version

Attached please find a simple build script with which I can reproduce the problem. I'll attach the global macros file you requested with my next posting.

Thanks very much! --jdavidi

jdavidi 03-01-2006 03:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's the global macros file (renamed as a txt file so I could attach it)

kinook 03-01-2006 03:29 PM

Your project script code needs to be inside the vbld_BuildStarting event. Create the event by choosing Edit | Insert Event | vbld_BuildStarting on the menu, then move your code into that method.

jdavidi 03-01-2006 03:33 PM

Ahhhh...that did the trick! Never noticed those menu items before. Thank you VERY much!


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