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maynard 05-05-2006 12:53 AM

Difficulty with Data Explorer navigation
I'm having a hard time rearranging a bunch of folders I just imported (21MB/86 files).

Using the mouse, dragging a folder onto a target location results in the folder being inserted into the target as a child rather than as a sibling. Not what I expected. I'm not seeing any visual indicator between items that would indicate the target move location, so I'm just dropping on top of another folder. I read the help file and am using Shift-LMB to do the drop as is inidicated, but the results are inconsistent. Sometimes the folder moves as a sibling, and sometimes it drops in as a child.

Also, Shift-drag is kind of scary...... select an object and Shift-drag to move it. With Shift still down, select another item and do another Shift-drag... WoopsI You just did a Shift-select-multipke drag-drop-copy operation instead. All the items between the first and second selected items were also selected (as they should be for a windows Shift selection). The drag drop operation then moved this entire selection and started copying it. I don't know where to because I frantically canceled the operation. I guess the bottom line is if you forget to release the Shift key between operations, this behavior will result and this is a very natural thing to do.

Lastly, instead of mousing, I thought I'd try the keyboard instead, but this had it's own problems. The keyboard shortcuts for item move operations as described in the help file don't seem to work. Ctrl-U,D,L,R don't do anything at all.

kinook 05-05-2006 06:43 AM

Re: Difficulty with Data Explorer navigation

Originally posted by maynard
I'm having a hard time rearranging a bunch of folders I just imported (21MB/86 files).

Using the mouse, dragging a folder onto a target location results in the folder being inserted into the target as a child rather than as a sibling. Not what I expected. I'm not seeing any visual indicator between items that would indicate the target move location, so I'm just dropping on top of another folder. I read the help file and am using Shift-LMB to do the drop as is inidicated, but the results are inconsistent. Sometimes the folder moves as a sibling, and sometimes it drops in as a child.
Shift should always change a move-as-child operation (indicated by a little arrow pointing to the right in the drag icon) to a move-as-sibling operation (indicated by the arrow in the drag icon pointing down). If a move is not allowed (for instance, dropping onto itself or children), the drag icon will change to a + sign. Which version/SP of Windows are you on? Could you describe exactly how you are dragging/dropping (using one of the samples) that results in this problem?


Also, Shift-drag is kind of scary...... select an object and Shift-drag to move it. With Shift still down, select another item and do another Shift-drag... WoopsI You just did a Shift-select-multipke drag-drop-copy operation instead. All the items between the first and second selected items were also selected (as they should be for a windows Shift selection). The drag drop operation then moved this entire selection and started copying it. I don't know where to because I frantically canceled the operation. I guess the bottom line is if you forget to release the Shift key between operations, this behavior will result and this is a very natural thing to do.
It's probably best to release the Shift button and only press it after dragging over the desired target. You can also undo anything that doesn't go as planned. Also, using right-drag will show a (cancellable) context menu on drop.


Lastly, instead of mousing, I thought I'd try the keyboard instead, but this had it's own problems. The keyboard shortcuts for item move operations as described in the help file don't seem to work. Ctrl-U,D,L,R don't do anything at all.
This is one default shortcut we didn't get updated in the help when we made shortcuts customizable. The official place to see the shortcuts for those are on the Tree drop-down on the main menu (the default is Ctrl+Shift+arrows). See for more details.

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