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myotis 05-18-2006 12:26 PM

outlook toolbar vanished
My Outllook Toolbar has vanished.

I have checked the information given in an earlier resposne.

The following registry entries are required for the add-in to be "installed":
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ Outlook \ Addins \ UROutlookAddIn.AddIn.1
FriendlyName REG_SZ Ultra Recall Outlook Add-In
LoadBehavior REG_DWORD 0x00000003 (3)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ Outlook \ Addins \ UROutlookAddIn.AddIn
FriendlyName REG_SZ Ultra Recall Outlook Add-In
LoadBehavior REG_DWORD 0x00000003 (3)

These are still intact and the Outlook.dll is present in the UR directory.

I have recently run Regsistry Mechanic, but if the registry entries are as described and the dll is present, could running RM broken the toolbar.



kinook 05-19-2006 08:15 AM

If you go to View | Toolbars in Outlook, is Ultra Recall one of the choices? If it is and is unchecked, checking it may show it. Otherwise, close Outlook and try reinstalling UR.

myotis 05-19-2006 08:39 AM


Originally posted by kinook
If you go to View | Toolbars in Outlook, is Ultra Recall one of the choices? If it is and is unchecked, checking it may show it. Otherwise, close Outlook and try reinstalling UR.
Done that, it is not one of the choices, so Iwill try a re-install.



pziebel 05-19-2006 09:04 PM

I'm seeing the same problem. I'm not actually sure when the toolbar disappeared but reinstalling UR didn't bring it back.

myotis 05-20-2006 01:29 AM


Originally posted by pziebel
I'm seeing the same problem. I'm not actually sure when the toolbar disappeared but reinstalling UR didn't bring it back.
Re-installing fixed it here.


Paul OS 05-21-2006 02:57 PM

Mine was gone too
A quick reinstall and now it's back.


paul o's

pziebel 05-21-2006 03:19 PM

Nope, still not working here. I've un- and reinstalled UR and also tried manually unregistering and reregistering the .dll but the Outlook toolbar's still not there. Just to confirm, it's not listed in View|Toolbars, either.

pziebel 05-22-2006 05:09 PM


I just installed UR 2.0 Pro. I'm still not getting an Outlook toolbar.

kinook 05-22-2006 05:39 PM

Which version/SP of Outlook and Windows are you running? Please ZIP and post or send a RegMon trace of Outlook startup:
1) Download and run
2) Enter uroutlook in the Include field shown at startup
3) Start Outlook
4) In RegMon, save the log and ZIP/send it


SeanH 05-22-2006 06:28 PM

I had the same issue, and still did after the install of UR version 2.0.

I found and ran a bat file that looked interesting at C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\Integration\register.bat

I now have an Outlook bar.

BTW, Outlook 2003, Windows XP Tablet PC edition.

pziebel 05-22-2006 06:54 PM


Originally posted by SeanH
I had the same issue, and still did after the install of UR version 2.0.

I found and ran a bat file that looked interesting at C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\Integration\register.bat

I now have an Outlook bar.

BTW, Outlook 2003, Windows XP Tablet PC edition.

Tried that already. No luck here.

myotis 05-27-2006 04:43 AM


Originally posted by myotis
My toobar has gone again, I have tried re-installing and following the other advice here, but toolbar still gone.

Was there another solution found. This is Outlook 2003 on WIXPPro SP2 and its UR2Pro.


To reply to myself, a reboot has brought it back.


pziebel 06-10-2006 04:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've installed UR Pro 2.0a and still have no toolbar.

WinXP SP2 and all updates

Outlook 2003 SP2

Regmon didn't show an include field at startup but I think the log I've attached is what you're looking for.

(Sorry for not responding to your earlier request for this info...I just missed that message somehow.)

kinook 06-12-2006 01:24 PM

If it's been disabled by Outlook, see this for re-enabling:

If ActiveSync is running, close it and restart Outlook.

Some other possibilities discussed here:

pziebel 06-12-2006 04:02 PM

ActiveSync isn't and hasn't been installed on this computer.

However, the Google links led me to discover Outlook's Help|About|Disabled Items button and I was able to enable the UR toolbar from there.

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