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myotis 05-19-2006 08:48 AM

Default startup infobase
How do I set a default infobase to be the one that starts when UR opens. At the moment it opens with the last opened database, and I would like it to always open with my main working database.



kevina 05-19-2006 09:40 AM

Just create a shortcut which specifies your .urd file.

One way is to right-drag the .urd from Explorer to the desktop, Start Menu, Quick Launch toolbar, etc., and choose Create Shortcut on drop.

Or right click on your desktop, then choose New | Shortcut, browse to your .urd file, then give the shortcut a appropriate name. You can then copy or move this shortcut to your start menu, the Quick Launch toolbar, or wherever you desire it to be.

You can also create a shortcut that opens to a specific item in the database via Item | Create Desktop Shortcut in UR (Alt+Q).

myotis 05-19-2006 09:50 AM

Thanks, yes I am aware of this workaround, and it seems as if this has become the programmers choice as this is the third program in recent weeks that hasn't provdided a default file option.

Out of interest is there some rationale behind omitting such a basic option, until recently I have never had a program that didn't allow you to set up a default file.


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