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igoldsmid 05-28-2006 12:49 AM

adding field to Contact Form?

When importing Outlook Contacts - two fields very important to me are not imported: Job Title, Contact Notes.

Obviously its possible to add at least Job Title as an attribute - but this does not translate into an editable, visible Field on the Contact Form.

Is it possible to make new fields from attributes in a Contact Form, so that corresponding data from Outlook can be imported, and also visible there?

This leads me to ask if its possible to create custom forms, such that attribute values show up in the Item Details Pane in their respective fields?

lsebba 05-28-2006 07:01 PM

Editable attributes
Now that V2 is here with significant improvments it has, the 2 enhancements I would most like are the ability to create custom forms in the item detail, and the ability to edit attributes in columns.

This would put UR in a class of it's own IMO

robj 06-06-2006 10:09 PM

Me too
I'd like to add my support for the ability to create custom forms - linking the fields to attributes. This additional feature would be a great addition to UR.

maynard 06-07-2006 10:50 PM

Here Here.

schreinereiner 06-28-2006 02:06 PM

I have the exact same issue. I need custom form fields that I can enter data in. Defining the attributes is no issue but translating them into a customized form with the capability to process data entry would be the No. 1 thing I am missing in UR right now.

Otherwise: Love the software! Keep up the good work!

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