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jschrot 06-13-2006 07:51 AM

Odd behaviour in pasting pictures and OLE-objects
After pasting a picture or OLE-object into an UR 2.0a item one can't see the inserted picture. The picture appears only after I clicked on another item and then went back to the item with the inserted picture. Is this behaviour normal? (I think in UR 1.x one could see at once the inserted picture.)

Resurgam 06-13-2006 11:07 AM

I can report the same behaviour. I like to have a photograph on the "home page" of any database but, since version 2, copying/pasting a jpg file onto the first item in the data explorer no longer seems to work.

kinook 06-14-2006 05:49 AM

What are you copying images/OLE objects from and how/where are you pasting into UR?

jschrot 06-14-2006 06:08 AM

The OLE-object was copied from SmartDraw 7.62, the jpg-image was opened with IrfanView, copied and pasted into an open info item in UR 2.0a. (It happens also with copy and paste from Inspiration. It seems that it doesn't matter from which application the picture or OLE-object is pasted.)

(But, to repeat: I *can* paste the pictures/OLE-objects into UR. The only problem is that you can see what you have pasted only after you have clicked on another info item and then went back to the item where you have pasted the picture.)

kinook 06-15-2006 06:10 AM

Please post or send the info from Help | About | Install Info.

jtschon 06-15-2006 06:35 PM

I've observed that the screen needs manual refreshing. Maybe there is a way to automate this task seamlessly.


kinook 06-16-2006 06:44 AM

Downloading, unzipping to the UR install path, and restarting UR resolved this for jschrot. (If you have Office 2002 or later installed, the UR install will also provide an option to copy this DLL from your common Office path, and this is a way to do that manually.)

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