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mvermeulen 06-23-2006 12:17 PM

VMWare Step Problems
I have been able to download the VmCom Scripting API and install on the system I am running VBP. Do you have any examples that I could use in setting up the action for specific Operations?

I have tried to test the Report and Reset operations but am not receiving any of the response I would have expected.

If I insert the VMware Host computer name in the "Computer" field and hit refresh it tells me "Not Connected."

Upon filling in the blanks with information I would expect to be accurate, I certainly am not getting the Virtual Server to restart.

Help! ... Thanks

kinook 06-23-2006 03:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Refresh button on the VMWare Server action doesn't actually involve VMWare at all, it just uses the NetServerEnum API [1] to get a list of servers. You can also manually enter the computer name in the Computer field.

The attached sample worked in my tests w/ the VMWare Server RC (v1.0.0 build-24927) on the server, and the VmCom lib (from the same installer) and VBP 6.1 on the client computer (of course, specifying valid server, user, password, and .vmx filename values). Be aware that firewalls or other networking software can block communications if not configured to allow it. Also, the Machine field must be the full drive+path+filename to a .vmx file (relative to the server) or a regex that matches the full filenames of the machine(s) to be manipulated.


mvermeulen 06-26-2006 01:01 PM

That did the trick. I did not have the complete path to the virtual server file. (i.e. /home/vmware/SERVERNAME/SERVERNAME.vmx)

As a follow up question, do any of the actions allow you to deal with a virtual in "undoable" mode? If you wish to commit, discard or otherwise?

Thanks much....

kinook 06-27-2006 07:06 AM

The VmCom lib does not expose snapshot functionality (if that's what you're referring to by undoable mode). You can configure the VM to revert to snapshot when powering off.

mvermeulen 06-27-2006 07:21 AM

Thanks for the reply. I believe in this circumstance I might then have to come up with another option. If I understand you right, two modes of operation are supported through the current actions, persistent (saves all changes) and non-persistent (discards all changes).

The "undoable" mode needs a response as to whether the changes should be saved to the drive or not. Don't know enough about the VcCom capabilities to know if more can be done. Currently, we are using the VmPerlAPI and just wanted to see if there was another option exposed directly via VBP.

Thanks for your help....

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