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Joel_W 07-10-2006 12:56 PM

Question regarding logging
I don't know if this is possible or not, but I would like to be able to filter some of the failstep_output of a .NET compile. I am setting up a failure step to send a text message to my phone when the build fails. Instead of having all of the output included in the compile, I would like just the actual error. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?

kinook 07-10-2006 05:02 PM


1) Filter the output as needed. It's available in the FAILSTEP_OUTPUT macro. How you would filter would depend on what and how you want to filter. The following VBScript code in a Run Script step gives a template:

output = vbld_AllMacros()("FAILSTEP_OUTPUT").Value
' filter the output as needed
vbld_TempMacros.Add "FILTERED_OUTPUT", output

2) Include the filtered output (%FILTERED_OUTPUT% in the above sample) in your message.

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