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Shuang 09-11-2003 10:52 AM

Conditional build rule and grandchild steps
I set up a conditional rule for a group. I intend to apply this rule to all steps within this group. But apparently it has applied only to the child steps immediately below the group. The rule was ignored by a grandchild group which has an additional build rule. Any insights?

I am on version 4.6b.

kinook 09-11-2003 11:39 AM

The information below should answer your question. If not, post a sample project demonstrating the problem you're experiencing.

From the 'Conditional Build Rules' help topic:

A conditional build rule normally applies to the current step and all child steps (steps below and indented from the step), so a build rule can easily be applied to a block of steps. Normally rules are nested (if a child step also defines a build rule, the parent and child step's rules must evaluate true). Note: this behavior can be overridden by disabling the option for nesting of rules in Application options.

From the 'Application Options -> General' help topic:

Implement nesting of conditional build rules: If this option is checked, nesting of build rules is performed: If a step and one or more of its parent steps contains a conditional build rule, all the rules must evaluate to true for that step to be built. Conditional build rules are not evaluated for steps that are not marked to be included in the build.

Re-evaluate all conditional build rules for each step: If checked, all build rules that apply to the current step (its rule and the rule of any parent steps if nesting of build rules is enabled) are re-evaluated before each step is built; if not checked, only the current step's rule is evaluated, and the previous evaluation result of any parent steps' rules are used.

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