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Derek Cornish 07-12-2006 01:40 AM

Using third-party url addresses in UR
Some third-party programs offer access to their data via special url addresses. For example, Biblioscape (a bibliographic program) allows its program to be activated and a reference displayed by means of an cut-and-pasted url, e.g.:


Web Research (used to be ContentSaver) also allows one to copy the web address of data (e.g., htm pages and pdf files) to other programs, e.g.:


In MS-Word, for example, one activates "hyperlink" and pastes the address into a document, then Ctrl-clicks on it to activate the third-party program and open it to the data in question.

I am sure that an earlier version of UR allowed these addresses to be activated, but now I can't find a way of doing it. There appears to be no way of "turning on" the pasted addresses to make them into usable hyperlinks.

Can anyone help me out with this?


kinook 07-12-2006 07:32 AM

I believe that the rich edit control (used for editing Text item details) will only show address beginning with a few well-known protocols (ftp://, http://, https://, mailto://, file://, news://, nntp://, outlook://, callto://, gopher://, telnet:// are ones I'm aware of) as a hyperlink. Another possibility is that some versions of the rich edit control (riched20.dll) do show other URLs as hyperlinks. Copying such a version to your UR install path (with UR not running) would cause UR to use that version.

You can still launch a url that isn't hyperlinked by selecting it and using right-click -> Open Shortcut (Ctrl+Q).

Another option would be to create a Document (or derived template) item and store the URL in its URL attribute. You could then launch it via Item | Open Document (Ctrl+J).

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