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keiffer 07-12-2006 10:08 PM

printing or exporting everything in a folder

I'm trying out the Ultra Recall demo. I'm use to a Treepad feature that allowed you to select a folder and either print or export the entire contents. That included all sub-folders and notes. Does UR allow that? I'm unable see how to do it.

Here is an example:
Folder A
--Sub-folder A1
----Note A1
--Sub-folder A2
----Note A2
--Sub-folder A3
--Subfolder A4

If Folder A is highlighted, everything under is printed or exported.

or, if you perfer:

If January is highlighted, everything under is printed or exported.

If I'm missing something obvious, please let me know.



kevina 07-13-2006 08:52 AM

You can simply select all of the items you want to print. Ultra Recall isn't constrained to folders + data -- any item can function like a "folder" (have child items).

You can export the selection or the selection and its child items [Export child items (recursive) option] using the Export wizard - File | Export | Documents and rich text to a folder).

keiffer 07-13-2006 10:40 AM

Okay, I now see the difference in the two programs. Treepad allows a folder with it's sub-folders and notes to be exported to a single file whereas Ultra Recall does individual files for each entry.

I will have to think some more about what type of information I will still want to keep in Treepad.

Thanks for answer. It helped alot.


kinook 07-13-2006 09:59 PM

You can also combine multiple text items into a single RTF file by exporting a multiple selection as 'Text items to a rich text (RTF) document'. The same applies when printing a multiple selection of text items.

keiffer 07-13-2006 10:52 PM

Yes, it looks like the Pro version can do that. Unfortunately, I have the lesser version without that feature.



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