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cnewtonne 08-02-2006 09:48 AM

Feature to Concatenate/Merge Clips
How much of a work is it to add these 2 features to UR? Specifically,

- dragging clipping from embedded browser/itemd details to an existing item causes UR to append to it. Of course, dragging it to parent folder, creates a new item.
- Selecting multiple items (including web clippings which UR defaults to 'document' type) and being able to may be right click and combine/merge.

If these features are major rework, how about giving us the option to have UR default items created by dragging from embedded browser to a type of 'text' so we can merge them using UR current feature that only applies on 'text' items.

I would love to UR get this feature implemented. Any comments?

igoldsmid 08-02-2006 04:02 PM

if you use Firefox, you can download the 'Scrapbook' extension - and its real simple to merge your clips with that, then import the result of that into UR.

cnewtonne 08-02-2006 06:47 PM

I know. I've been using net snippets for this, but I thought I can do all this work in UR.

Believe me, when you browse over 200 web pages and collect an average of 500-600 clippings in a day, you'll appreciate every little saving in the process.

There is a huge overhead for me at the end of every day to move my work to UR. I'm talking an average of 2 hrs and if I get lazy for day and things stack up, I'm talking at least 4 hrs on a weekend.

These numbers are best case scenario. If things go bad or volume goes crazy, the number I mentioned above will sound like kid's play.

It is amazing how can a little tweak in an application can save humans hours of work and tons of calories burnt in brain power. If there is a good side to this it is that this is the only way I'm expending calories for now not having time to do any exercises.

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