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dasymington 11-22-2006 06:41 AM

Data Item always found!
I'm used to UR sometimes not finding data items that I think it should find, but now I've discovered it finds a particular data item almost regardless of what I search for. The text data item has 72 words in it yet it has 862 auto-generated keywords. It seems to have included as keywords every value I've ever entered into certain user-defined string attributes.

How can I get it to re-generate the keywords properly? I've tried Synchronize, but that fails because there's no URL; the item is based on a text type template.

kevina 11-22-2006 08:46 AM

Syncing a text item (with no url) should re-keyword all of the stored text for the item (including attributes). In other words, all auto-generated keywords should be removed and recreated when the text item is synced. Does this not occur?

What version of Ultra Recall are you using (Help | About | Install Info...)?

dasymington 11-22-2006 10:05 AM

The sync failed because the URL attribute has a value of .rtf, which it picks up from the custom template on which it's based. I've removed that and now it has synced and regenerated the keywords correctly.

Unfortunately the Date Modified, which I use extensively when ordering searches, has been set to today's date. Is there a way to change this value?

Also, is there a way to stop the URL attribute being displayed, ie., to delete it from a template? I see it's not present in the Text template but I can't get rid of it from my custom template.

kevina 11-22-2006 04:51 PM

If the template is based on the Document template, the URL attribute can't be removed.

Currently there isn't a way to change the Modified Date attribute value of an Item.

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