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Viggo 11-23-2006 08:36 AM

Problem: Refresh Tree and Recycle Bin renamed

I was experimenting with the tree to see if I could get it to refresh after another user on LAN had added a new topic, but to no luck. F5 only works for the selected topic.

Finally I tried to sort the tree to see if the sort operation would reload the tree, but still not. However my tree got sorted .

I now pressed Ctrl-Z to regret my sorting, which seemed to work as for restoring the tree to unsorted - or was it? It looked like only one of the topics was restored to old order, but now WITH the childs added by the other user. Great I thought, but it's not practical that it takes Ctrl-Z to refresh a tree.

However, I pressed Ctrl-Z a couple of more times, and the tree recovered to my old order, however there was a glitch: The Recycle Bin was gone.. Rather it was not, it had been renamed to the same label as one of the topics. Also, some children was under the wrong "instance".

Thus, the entry in the tree was still the "recycle bin" but with a new name, a duplicate from my own topics. It is not possible to rename the recycle bin except to date, date+time or time. So now I have a recycle bin that is called 23.11.06-13:29

From my understanding it should not be possible to rename the Recycle Bin at all, so I guess this should not have happened. For now I will stay away from Ctrl-Z after a tree-sort. No problem, as I will not use sorted trees anyway. However, I still need a way to refresh the tree from disk when working on LAN with sharing same UR database.

And I really want some simple mecanism to handle multi-user access to same database. Please please consider this!


Viggo 11-23-2006 09:30 AM

Found it :-)

...The Refresh-All (shift-F5) under the Tree menu.. Expected it under the View menu, and why not in the mouse-right-button popup menu when the tree is selected?


kevina 11-24-2006 11:09 AM

One note, you can reset the Recycle Bin title with a Compact & Repair, by checking the Repair and Reset all system information to defaults checkboxes.

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