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jpmnh 11-23-2006 02:30 PM

urls not being recognized
As a new user I may have missed something...

If I import a mail msg any urls in the mail msg arent reconized as such, so I cant just click on them (and similarly any embedded images arent processed)

If I take the mail msg and make it a task and drag it into UR
the urls in the msg are recognized and are clickable.

Is there a way to get the urls recognized and processed?

dasymington 11-24-2006 06:29 PM

I find that too, with some message. If I choose Open Document from the toolbar, the message gets opened by my email program (Pocomail) and I can then click the URLs.

jpmnh 11-24-2006 09:43 PM

embedded urls not being recognized
I'll note another oddity, which may not be a UR issue....
I have an email I'm looking at in outlook 2007 which has hyperlinks. If I drag it into UR it comes in as a mail msg and the http refs are visible (and thus copyable and resolve as expected).
If I convert the mail msg to a task in outlook, then drag it into UR it comes in as a task and the URLs are clickable. However, the pages come up as "This program cannot display the webpage" -- the address toolbar shows:

Whereas it should be:

I see similar issues in some other emails, but not all.

It would be neat if UR showed the URL ref when one hovers over the link


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