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luke 01-19-2007 03:46 AM

10 second delay

I'm experiencing some sort of delay when I save, or just occasionally in the middle of typing. It can last up to 10 seconds at times.

Is this just because I have a fairly large database?


kinook 01-19-2007 09:04 AM

The slowdown during typing is likely due to auto-save (you can adjust how often auto-save occurs at Tools | Options | Editor). The size of the database shouldn't have much effect on save time, but the size of the item you're editing could (although 10 seconds seems excessive). Which version of UR are you running? Which version+SP of Windows? What sort of hardware (drive, CPU, RAM)? How big is your database? Where is it located (local drive or network share)? Do all items save slowly, or how large are the items that do (export to document and check the document size)?

luke 01-19-2007 10:53 AM

Ah yes, well most of the time, it is a monster item I'm editing when this happens. Its a brain dump diary item I write in.

Come to think it I spend most of my time in UR adding thoughts to this single item. Other places are just for storage.

I'm running 2.0d right now. CPU and RAM should be fine - I have a monitor that tells me the amount used. I know I have 1MB RAM on XP - can't remember the CPU.

It looks like I'll start by 'archiving' some of this large item.


quant 01-19-2007 02:08 PM

surely you meant 1GB of RAM ;-)

I'm wondering why do you have just single monster item. Does your thoughts revolve around one single idea? Can it be a little bit structured? I'm sure it can :)

The name you gave it, "brain dump diary" reminds me of one soft I was evaluating, hope UR admin doesnt mind:

It is very nice, and presents data (your thoughts) in a non-linear way, but I eventually ended up buying UR, the attributes thing is soooo powerful. But the fact that one can link the items in UR as one pleases would allow to do the same thing in UR. It could be just another window with this cool dynamic navigation (as opposed to the dull tree navigation we are used to), and you could place it just like any other window anywhere in your layout. What do you think admin?

luke 01-20-2007 05:17 AM

Ah yes I meant 1GB.

Yeah I'm aware of the thebrain. I'm aware of every single piece of software in this niche - trust me on that. The complaint with that tool was that it shows the "here and now" but not the "overview" at the same time. So you can get lost. Not what I wanted.

I use this single item as the "input buffer" if you like. Lots of thoughts go intially into here. I write as I think and I think better and more clearly when I write. So I can take wooly ideas and turn them into actions through this process.

A percentage of ideas don't stand the test of time. The few that do get filed in a special items for continued use.

Its kind of like an initial brain dump in prose. This has worked well for me for years.


Taxi 01-21-2007 12:23 AM

You did not respond to Kinook's question about the location of the database.

It's been my experience that a database on a USB stick takes about 15 secs to save whereas the same database on a local drive only takes 2 or 3 secs.

luke 01-21-2007 05:44 AM

OK. Its on the hard drive, not a USB stick.

luke 01-21-2007 05:53 AM

Kevin, here's a bit more information:

I cut down the big item by 70%.

The effect this has is that it seems the FIRST time it saved today it took about 10 seconds. Second time around 6 maybe. And now it takes maybe 2 seconds to save.

Is there any reason why saving would get progressively quicker?

Other items save more quickly, but they too are slower when I first openned the database today.

I exported the (large) item and its size is 61KB (rich text format).

Database size is 20Mb.


luke 01-21-2007 05:57 AM

I just did a "compact and repair" of the database. Then shut down and reopened.

I haven't seen a repeat of the slow saving time.


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