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Resurgam 03-01-2007 07:50 AM

Search Item Notes
Is it possible to search an Item's Notes, or, if not, is this planned for a future release?

quant 03-01-2007 08:14 AM

The notes are searchable in general. To see this, make a new item, and add some text to item notes. Pres CTRL+K, and you can see that what you typed was keyworded.
If you want to search in item notes only, do advanced search and add "Item Notes" attribute in the search

To search inside a particular item note, use CTRL+F

Resurgam 03-01-2007 08:48 AM

Dear Quant,

Many thanks for your fast and helpful reply.

I realize now that my problem was that the information I was searching for was all numeric (invoice numbers, book catalogue numbers, and so on) and, to search for this type of information within the Notes Panel, I need to use the "Matches Wildcard" = *12345* format, which takes a little longer but gets there in the end.

Thanks again for your help.

quant 03-01-2007 09:36 AM

if you are looking for numbers, you can activate the option to keyword words containing numbers. In that case, you dont need to use wildcards ...

Resurgam 03-01-2007 10:03 AM

Thanks again!

One last question -- I've activated the option to keyword digits but this only seems to apply to newly created documents. Is there a method to re-index the database or would I need to use export/import?

$bill 03-01-2007 10:51 AM


From help:
"the existing content and attributes are simply re-keyworded, which can be used to update the auto-generated keywords after changing the Keyword Digits keywording option."

Resurgam 03-01-2007 12:07 PM

Thanks again -- it's no excuse, but I personally find "Help" not as helpful as it could be. I was wary of the Resynchronize option as, other than updating the keyword index, I did not want to change any of the other (stored) contents.

Resurgam 03-01-2007 02:09 PM

Just a quick follow-up: the Resynchronize option did not work as the original (non-Ultra Recall) files had changed and I wished to keep the stored UR files intact. Trying an export/import now.

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