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Import/Export Round Trip
Hi again,
Is there a way to *export* to Treepad with URPro? I love being able to start with Keynote, export to Treepad, and bring my material into URP. But it's inconvenient not being able to go the other way - from URP to TP to KN. Is there way to do it that I'm somehow missing? Thanks. Regards, Bal |
What do bits like the most? To ride a bus ...
Sorry, couldn't resist ;-) - Could you please explain to me why you do this roundtripping? I know Treepad a bit and had a quick glance at Keynote. But what is it that UR does not have? I am just curious ... |
Hi Ortwin,
I'll give you my reason and then suggest another, perhaps more common reason. My reason: where I work, I can't install programs on my machine. That means I have to use something that doesn't affect the registry. KeyNote, which I used before I came across UR, fits this just fine. It fits on a memory stick and requires no modification of the admin layer of Windows. Since UR doesn't import directly from KN, I have to go the Keynote-TreePad-UR transit route. But since you can't export to TreePad, I don't have a way to get my UR mods into Keynote. It would be very helpful to have that. An alternative transit path would be acceptable if there is one that is relatively straightforward to use. No - the perhaps more common reason: I'm betting lots more people still use Keynote than UR, in part because it's free. So envision someone collaborating with others, some who own UR and others who don't - and don't want to spend money on software. Giving a round-trip transit path enables the collaboration. Not having it makes things tougher. I understand that when you go between software apps, you might lose things not supported by the other app (e.g., keywords, attributes, forms, etc.). I'm OK with that. I can limit my drafts to not making use of the more advanced URP functions and add them in the final work-product. Hope this satisfies your curiosity - let me know if not. :) Regards, Bal |
UR doesn't require admin (or power user) privileges for installation, and it can also run from a USB stick without installation.
http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/download.html http://www.kinook.com/UR/Manual/installation.htm There's also a free UR viewer which can be used to view .urd files for users that don't have UR (which also doesn't require admin privileges to install and can run without installation). http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/viewer.html |
Perfect - I'll try it tonight!
Thanks so much. Regards, Bal addendum: can I simply copy my existing version from my local drive to my memory stick? |
"addendum: can I simply copy my existing version from my local drive to my memory stick?"
- dont think so, the install version is slightly different, for example the settings/layouts are stored in different files ... |
Actually, you can. The USB ZIP file contains the same files as the regular install, it just detects when running from a removable drive and stores settings/registration differently.
Having transferred settings, layouts etc. would be cool, but it takes me only about 5 minutes, if that, to get the new settings the way I like them.
Also - it works for me to have different default layouts at home and at work, so I really don't mind having different configs. The main thing for me is being able to use UR where I happen to be. I can now do this. Just terrific. Regards, Bal |
User settings are not stored in the installation path on a regular install for several reasons, some of which are:
1) Under many circumstances, Windows does not allow applications to create or update files in folder within Program Files. 2) Storing the settings as recommended by Microsoft allows them to roam with the user in a roaming profile. See here for the gory details: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/pro.../w2kapsp4.mspx On a USB drive, these limitations do not apply, and the settings can safely be stored in the exe path. We do have on our list a way to explicitly store the settings in the exe path even when running from a non-removable drive. For now, you can back and restore these locations to transfer the settings to another computer: Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall File system: %APPDATA%\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall |
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