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janrif 03-07-2007 10:49 AM

drag/drop how to
drag/drop URL onto an item.

Situation. Taking notes while watching TV. A website is mentioned so before I forget, I go to address in UR browser.

Let's say I want to link it to original item. I know I can create a hyperlink to the URL but I'm wondering if there's a way to drag/drop UR URL to explore pane item?

When I tried it, msg was no internet connection... do you want to add an item with no content or icon? Naturally I said no.

What's up with that?

kevina 03-07-2007 10:58 AM

If you entered the url in the Web Toolbar in Ultra Recall, and then want to create an Info Item for this url, you should be able to drag the icon (to the left of the url in the Web Toolbar) to the desired location in the Data Explorer pane and a new Info Item should be created.

If Ultra Recall had already navigated to the url, you should not receive a message about no connection being available. Of course choosing No would have just created an Info Item with the url (which you could later Sync to retrieve the content and icon info for the Info Item) - in instances where you actually DON'T have an internet connection.

Does it give this message for all urls, or only the one in question? If only for certain urls, please post them or email a list to

janrif 03-07-2007 02:15 PM


Originally posted by kevina
[snip]Does it give this message for all urls? [/snip]
Yes. When I was testing beta 3 I came across this problem. Kyle sent me a reg fix which is currenly installed. This problem also appears when trying to copy data from a webpage to UR from context menu. Thank you.

Addendum: OK re-installed Kyle's reg fix & the drag/drop problem went away so that problem is solved.

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