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UltraUser 03-14-2007 03:33 AM

Strange behaviour with imported docs

First off, thanks and kudos for the new release!

Now, I'm having a strange behaviour when importing documents (e.g.: MS-Word or MS-Excel files) into UR. Here's how it goes:

1) I import a document (either via drag & drop or the "Import" menu).
2) The document is imported in "Imported Items" which is fine. Contents are stored in UR. That's fine too.
3) I click on the item and I can read the textual content of it in the main tab. That's weird and new to me. With previous version, I just had a white space with a link saying "Click here to open stored document". Now, I can read a kind of textual representation of the actual contents (no format, just continuous ascii text). Not particularly useful, but I can do with it. Trouble is that this behaviour is not consistent. Let's continue.
4) Now, I open the stored document using CTRL+J. It opens fine as it was stored (with format, formulas, everything). I can save it if I want to.
5) Back to UR. Changing the selected item will prompt a save for the edited item, all fine.
6) Now, if I select the document item again, the textual contents has disappeared! I'm back to the white page with "Click here to open stored document"!!!
7) Let's close UR, and reopen it. I'm back to the edited document item. Textual contents has reappeared!!!!

So, is this "textual" representation new to UR 3? If so, why is it keep disappearing / appearing again? Or is there something wrong with my setup (XP Pro SP2 English, UR v3.0.1 installed as new setup, not over v2.0, the database is a new one, I haven't imported my previous one yet)?

Thanks in advance for your help and answers.


quant 03-14-2007 04:25 AM

does exactly the same thing on my PC, I realized this a while back. That's a question for kinook why they implemented it in this way ...

ashwken 03-14-2007 08:12 AM

Although this does not address your question, one thing that had been suggested by Kinook from a support reply was to modify the following:

Options | Browser - File extensions to display in internal browser.

From the v.2 Help file:

If Microsoft Office applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) or Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed, these additional document types can be viewed and/or edited within Ultra Recall...

This can be very useful if you have a UR Template based on a Word doc, espiecally if that doc contains tables. This could be a solution for including images in the rtf editor and give you more control over image and text layout.


UltraUser 03-14-2007 08:19 AM


Thanks for the suggestion.
I know about displaying docs with internal browser, I use it for PDFs mainly.

But this is indeed unrelated to the issue I have reported. I have tried to play around with this option and others, to see if some settings combinations would affect the behaviour I report. So far, this hasn't been the case.

The fact that you guys have encountered the same issue is kind of reassuring at first - at least I know this is not the "happens on your station only" syndrome ;-)

I hope Kinook Support will be able to clarify.


alienrider 03-15-2007 06:44 AM

Hello All,

I am also encountering this problem and am perplexed as to why it is happening.

Hopefully a reply will be forthcoming.

Kind regards,

B Sinclair

kevina 03-15-2007 08:12 AM

This has been identified as a bug in Ultra Recall 3.0. The current workaround is to simply uncheck the new option to show the "Show item text for documents with no viewer" option on the Editor tab of the Tools | Options dialog.

The next minor release will include a fix to correct the inconsistent behavior.

UltraUser 03-15-2007 08:44 AM


Okay, it makes sense now. Thanks for the clarification.

Thanks also for the forthcoming fix and for the workaround.


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