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janrif 03-14-2007 09:50 AM

I'm sorry but I find the current reminder system counterintuitive in some ways. In my head:

a reminder should lead an appointment begin date/time
a reminder should lead a *due* date/time

Is there a different way to think abou this that makes more sense or is there an option I'm missing or a suggested addiiton that would make sense to suggest from this?

Thank you.

kevina 03-15-2007 11:03 AM

A reminder does "lead" the begin date/begin time by the amount of time specified in the Reminder attribute.

So if the Begin Date = "3/15/2007" and the Begin Time = "10:00 AM", and the Reminder = 15 minutes, a reminder for the item will be displayed at "3/15/2007 9:45 AM.

This exact point in time can be displayed in the Item Attributes Pane by displaying the optional Pending Reminder attribute - done at Tools | Options | Attributes ), which reflects the actual time of any pending reminders...

Essentially then your request is for Reminders to "lead" either the Begin Date/Begin Time OR the Due Date. Here are some of the considerations (off the top of my head) to do have Ultra Recall function this way:
- if a Begin Date and Due Date are specified, which should be used?
- if the Due Date is used, and a Recurring attribute is also specified, should the Due Date be advanced, no Recurrence occur, or??
- would a Due Time attribute also be necessary to specify an exact time (vs just the Due DATE)?
- the Reminder Dialog would have to become more complicated to reflect whether due to the Begin Date or the Due Date
- etc

janrif 03-15-2007 11:47 AM


Originally posted by kevina
[snip] Here are some of the considerations (off the top of my head) to do have Ultra Recall function this way:[/snip]
Thanks for your response. I have to think about this a bit more & consider the points you've raised but I think the basic distinction for me is that an appt has a begin date & time & a reminder has a due date. This leads me to the suggestion that perhaps there be an added attribute based on due date which is due date w or w/o reminder option.

janrif 03-15-2007 05:07 PM


Originally posted by kevina A reminder does "lead" the begin date/begin time by the amount of time specified in the Reminder attribute. [snip]
Yes I know. I think I wrote that but not clearly, Sorry


Originally posted by kevina [snip] Essentially then your request is for Reminders to "lead" either the Begin Date/Begin Time OR the Due Date. [/snip]


[i]- if a Begin Date and Due Date are specified, which should be used?
user choice: one or the other


Originally posted by kevina - if the Due Date is used, and a Recurring attribute is also specified, should the Due Date be advanced, no Recurrence occur, or??
no recurrences. A due date is a due date, not an anniversary, etc. If it changes, user can change due date manually since there is no 'adavance' function that I know of in UR.


Originally posted by kevina - would a Due Time attribute also be necessary to specify an exact time (vs just the Due DATE)?
just the date but time would be icing on the cake


Originally posted by kevina - the Reminder Dialog would have to become more complicated to reflect whether due to the Begin Date or the Due Date - etc
Maybe syntax or rewording reminder dialog could satisfy either.

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