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teognost 03-27-2007 08:08 AM

Binaries changed between 2 Subversion revisions
We are using for development C# under MS VStudio 2005,.Net Framework 2.0.50727.
For source code control we are using Subversion.I would like to have a VBP step that would produce a list with all the binaries changed between 2 speficic Subversion revisions. For example I want to have a list with all the binaries (dll,exe)changed between revision X and Y in SVN.I hope someone else needed the same thing and found a solution for this issue.Thanks for any help!

kevina 03-27-2007 02:42 PM

Not being an export Subversion, here is what I found:, which shows how to get a list of changed files between two versions (what I didn't see is a way to get only the files that match a filename mask, which doesn't seem to be supported by Subversion - maybe someone else can chime in with more info). The ContinuousIntegration.bld sample might also yield some ideas on this...

Here is a step that demonstates using this technique to get the list of changes files (between revisions 4 and 6 produced by the Subversion sample .bld file):

        log history information for files

You would probably want to use macros to specify the revision numbers and some other parameters of this step, and then parse %LASTSTEP_OUTPUT% either in vbld_StepDone of the Subversion step, or in a following Run Script step to get the subset of changed files that are binary files...

Note: you can copy the above xml fragment (which defines a single Subversion step) and paste into Visual Build Pro to "reconstitute" it as a step that you can view/edit/use.

teognost 03-30-2007 02:26 PM

Thanks for info!
I was not very explicite.Basically I need to perform 2 steps:
1)get a list of modified C# source files (between 2 SVN revisions )
2)based on the list from 1 ->create a list with all the modified binaries.
For example if Test1.cs file was modified -in the list from 2 should appear Test1.dll as modified (when compiling Test1.csproj
->Test1.dll is produced).
You helped me with point 1 -which is great,tks!
Any idea about how to do point 2?
I had some clues,to search inside csproj file belonging to modified cs file and read the related binary name and type (exe or dll).
But maybe someone already did such a thing in VBP,it would be much easier...
If not-I will try to do it by myself and put it on this forum for future use...

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