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jjinwi 03-30-2007 01:57 PM

UR REALLY really needs multiple categories
1 Attachment(s)
The biggest issue I have with UR is the lack of multiple categories.

I use Web Research for web clipping because it does a great job with categories. The attached pic shows how they handle categories.

It seems this would be a great way to implement categories into UR.

What say you????


nisced 03-30-2007 03:08 PM

You can do it:

Just create a new topic called 'Categories' and add the category structure below that topic. Then you add the items you want to categorize with logical linking.


jjinwi 03-30-2007 03:24 PM


Originally posted by nisced
You can do it:

Just create a new topic called 'Categories' and add the category structure below that topic. Then you add the items you want to categorize with logical linking.



Thanks for the idea.... clever idea!

I'll give it a try!

How would this approach work for searching with multiple "categories" or links???

BUT it would be nice to have it like I have in Web Research.


janrif 03-30-2007 03:51 PM

Re: UR REALLY Really Needs Multiple Categories

Originally posted by jjinwi
The biggest issue I have with UR is the lack of multiple categories. [snip]
In addiion to Dom's suggestion, here's a different approach that I use:

In a form, I include 3 fields: Category, Sub-Cat1, Sub-Cat2. In the properties of these I add/build a lists in each. It gets alphabatized automatically, etc.

Admitedly, this is limited to 3 categories but between the 3. So far I've not run into a log jam nor do I have to drag/drop. Of course you can add as many form fields as you like, i.e. cat 4-5-6. Additionally you can add any/all of the category fields as an attribute.

There may even be a way to attach these categories to the system attribute form so they are always there. I haven't explored that yet.

kinook 03-30-2007 04:30 PM

janrif 03-30-2007 04:53 PM


Originally posted by kinook
This progrm is so rich & continues to amaze me by it's dexterity.

quant 03-30-2007 05:16 PM


Originally posted by janrif
This progrm is so rich & continues to amaze me by it's dexterity.
It doesn't amaze me. It's just a classic database with a decent frontend, and a looooooooooooot of features thrown in :)
I love it!!!

janrif 03-30-2007 06:07 PM


Originally posted by quant
It doesn't amaze me. It's just a classic database with a decent frontend, and a looooooooooooot of features thrown in :)
I love it!!!

OK, I stand corrected. It doesn't amaze me either.

nisced 03-31-2007 01:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by jjinwi

Thanks for the idea.... clever idea!

I'll give it a try!

How would this approach work for searching with multiple "categories" or links???



Have look at this post:

Scroll down and there you find a UR file including an example of logical linking and lineage search.

And have a look at the attached screenshot. It shows how you can run and save a search across categories.

Very powerful!


Daly de Gagne 03-31-2007 10:09 AM

Re: UR REALLY Really Needs Multiple Categories

Originally posted by jjinwi
The biggest issue I have with UR is the lack of multiple categories.

I use Web Research for web clipping because it does a great job with categories. The attached pic shows how they handle categories.

It seems this would be a great way to implement categories into UR.

What say you????


In a sense UR already has multiple categories through the logical links systems *and* through the use of user-defined keywords.

So you can, as one user suggested, set up a categories folder if it is helpful to use that term, or you can simply logically link an item under all the appropriate folders and subfolders, regardless of what you call them -- the result is the same as having mutliple categories.

And then you can also do keyword searches.


Daly de Gagne 03-31-2007 10:34 AM

Re: UR REALLY Really Needs Multiple Categories

Originally posted by jjinwi
The biggest issue I have with UR is the lack of multiple categories.

I use Web Research for web clipping because it does a great job with categories. The attached pic shows how they handle categories.

It seems this would be a great way to implement categories into UR.

What say you????


One last comment -- I have just looked at Web Research this morning as a result of discussion on WR looks really neat with its folders column and its categories culumn, and one can easily think, "now I have it all." But in reality UR is much more versatile in categorizing. The logical link system is similar to tagging, and allows a single item to be in as many places as it needs to be to ensure you find it easily from whatever perspective you are approaching that piece of info.

wordmuse 04-01-2007 10:57 AM

Re: Re: UR REALLY Really Needs Multiple Categories

Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
But in reality UR is much more versatile in categorizing. The logical link system is similar to tagging, and allows a single item to be in as many places as it needs to be to ensure you find it easily from whatever perspective you are approaching that piece of info.
One thing that would really take logical linking to the next level would be if you could use standard Windows selection techniques (ctrl+leftmouse, shift+leftmouse) to select multiple items in the Link operation of the Link/Move dialog. To be able to link an item to multiples all in one shot would be a great nice-to-have.


Admin note: This was implemented in v3.5

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