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srdiamond 03-31-2007 04:48 PM

Redownload old versions
Is there a location from which old versions can be redownloaded.

Hopefully, at least there is. Even so, it is really improper to greet a user trying to upgrade an older version with a message displaying that the latest version is ... one for which the user must pay -- without providing a route to the free upgrade of the earlier version. Surely all old versions should be available to users who have paid for them, unless the vendor intends to charge for this service (which I suppose may be reasonable).

Perhaps this lapse has gone unnoted, because enthusiasm for UR remains high among users, and everybody is upgrading. Anyway, I'm NOT. Too many irritations, not so much in the product (which is there too) but mostly in attitude. Such as the above. Such as giving users with a license to a previous version USELESS 1000 item limit. It is said it is easy to get this removed. THAT CLEARLY SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY. Moreover, if you encounter a computer crash, you must go through the procedure again. The straw that broke it for me.

Can anyone direct me to where I can download version 2.0e. Unfortunately, I still must rely on it.

quant 03-31-2007 07:27 PM

I agree with you that the site should still provide the last version 2 ... here is my own backup, just for you :) (please check with your own viruschecker, one never knows)

I believe it's the time restriction, not the 1000 item limit, that is kind of easy to go around. But that's not the point. If one wants to test the new features, 1000 items should be more that enough. If your current database is much bigger, just make a copy of it, and delete some items, then you can test everything ...

If you dont need the internal links and custom forms, maybe v2 is enough, because already v2 was a superior soft ... up to you ;-)

kinook 03-31-2007 09:55 PM

srdiamond 04-02-2007 04:27 PM


Originally posted by quant
I believe it's the time restriction, not the 1000 item limit, that is kind of easy to go around. But that's not the point. If one wants to test the new features, 1000 items should be more that enough. If your current database is much bigger, just make a copy of it, and delete some items, then you can test everything ...
Thanks a lot for version 2.

I didn't know about the 1000 item restriction, and I thought there was an issue or malfunction. For a while, I thought I was successfully copying things, when I wasn't. (There was probably an actual malfunction that kept the limit notice from popping up.)

It doesn't seem to me that when a licensed user tries a new version, he should have to review the limitations. And if he doesn't, problems like the above become inevitable for some.

Here's why, however, I see this as an ethical issue. The user is trying a new version. In addition to the normal hassles of trying a new product, there is added a new hassle: at the least, creating a temporary notebook, and then later moving the new temporary stuff to the established notebooks. Not a terrible burden, but a factor, an annoyance, making it easier to just go ahead and buy version 3. Vendors are sensitive to these issues. This subtle but improper pressure is what made me decide NOT to upgrade.

kinook 04-02-2007 04:41 PM


Note: If your evaluation period ends but you still need more time to evaluate our products, please send send us your request and we will provide instructions on extending the evaluation period. We can also provide a temporary key that will remove the item limit for evaluating larger databases.

quant 04-02-2007 04:42 PM


Originally posted by srdiamond
Here's why, however, I see this as an ethical issue. The user is trying a new version. In addition to the normal hassles of trying a new product, there is added a new hassle: at the least, creating a temporary notebook, and then later moving the new temporary stuff to the established notebooks. Not a terrible burden, but a factor, an annoyance, making it easier to just go ahead and buy version 3. Vendors are sensitive to these issues. This subtle but improper pressure is what made me decide NOT to upgrade.
I understand your point, but honestly, I don't think Kinook put this restriction to push users to buy a new version. I think, it was probably only once that people had to upgrade from one version to another (and certainly there were much fewer users than are now), and Kinook simply didn't prepare well for this situation. I saw that they added this into their website,
"We can also provide a temporary key that will remove the item limit for evaluating larger databases."
and also added several "Upgrade notes" to facilitate the trial of new version for licensed users. If you ever contacted the support, you know they they are very reasonable and helpful ... I'm sure when the time comes for another upgrade, they've learned their lesson and the transition will be much smoother ;-)

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