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wordmuse 04-01-2007 12:11 AM

limit the visible levels
'nother idea...

Put a tool on the toolbar that lets you pick "All" or a number from, say 1-5.

All provides you with UR3P as it is today. You can expose any number of levels you want in the hierarchy.

But should you pick 1, then you would be able to see only siblings. Double-click an item and you see the children of that item, in this "sibling view."

Pick 2 and you get to see an item's children, but not it's grandchildren. To see the grand children, you'd double-click a child, and now the child appears above, and the it's children are all that are visible below it.

Pick 3 and you get to see 3 levels max, etc.

This would be cool in that it would let me define how narrow or broad my focus is regardless of how I travel through UR3P.



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