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rollmj 04-10-2007 08:35 AM

Script run as scheduled task hangs with InstallShield Signed Self Extracting .exe
**UPDATE: I put the Visual Build command line into a batch file and ran the batch file as a scheduled task. The batch file hangs. So, this appears to be an InstallShield 12 issue.

My Visual Build script is hanging when it is run as a scheduled task and it encounters an InstallShield project that produces a self-extracting .exe and has the setting to sign the self-extracting .exe during the InstallShield build process. The steps run fine when the build is run through the Visual Build IDE. The build runs fine as a scheduled task if I remove the signing setting from the InstallShield release wizard. When I look in the Visual Build log file, it appears to be in the middle of building the problem installation. The last line of the log file is always incomplete/truncated. It never fails, it just never makes it past that step.

I have not figured out, yet, if this is a Visual Build or InstallShield issue. I'm going to try running the exact command line that Visual Build is running in a batch file as a schedule task and see what the output is. But, I wanted to see if anyone else had encountered this problem.

Has anyone seen this issue before?

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