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cnewtonne 05-17-2007 07:09 AM

Preventing UR from closing if external docs are opened
Hi all,
This issue pertains to UC being smart enough to prevent the user from ...
1) closing a DB if there are info items being edited externally.
2) 'resume internal editing' if the same info item is already being edited externally.
I elaborated more on this issue in my thread here

To work around it, I wrote a macro that gets triggered on window close event of UR. This macro enumerates all open windows looking for a window title containing '(UltraRecall copy)' string. If found, the macro will not allow me to close UR.

However, why can not UR do this natively. Can you please share with us your thoughts on what you plans are to integrate such feature in UR. I think this kind of safety check will save users the agony of loosing data and save you from getting these serious complaints. What do you think?

zargron 05-17-2007 12:43 PM

It is an interesting issue the "external" editing of "internally" stored documents. I'm quite nervous about trusting other peoples database applications to store my files. As much as some of us criticize MS file handling, it does a quite good job these days of looking after our data.

With this nervousness in mind, I have played around with UR's file storage, and I feel it does a really really good job compared to other programs that I have tried. Having said that, I do agree that it shouldn't be too hard for the UR developers to enhance it so that it keeps track of open documents and warns of their presence when closing the program.

Like most people, I have plenty of disk space available these days, and do the following:
- maintain a dedicated UR document storage area using NTFS
- link these documents to info items (all beautifully organized thanks to UR!)
- open a document by highlighting the item and pressing
- edit and save my document in its external editor
- back in UR, press to synchronize

As a result, I generally have 2 up-to-date copies of my document.
When they get out of sync, the external document is always the most up to date.
If I close UR before saving and sync'ing - no problem. I save my document, re-open UR, find and select the item then use or main menu [Item | Synchronize] to get them back in sync.

cnewtonne 05-17-2007 01:55 PM

If you simply link, then why do you have to synchronize. I created an item of document type and pointed its URL to a .doc file. Selecting it later, shows 'open linked document'. Are you sure you are linking vs. storing content in UR?

zargron 05-17-2007 09:27 PM


Originally posted by cnewtonne
If you simply link, then why do you have to synchronize. I created an item of document type and pointed its URL to a .doc file. Selecting it later, shows 'open linked document'. Are you sure you are linking vs. storing content in UR?
Well - actually - I'm doing both - linking AND storing.
I commented that "I have plenty of disk space available". The implication being that I'm happy to keep two copies of the same document.

Basically I'm putting UR through its paces regarding file storage. If it doesn't work to expectations - all my documents are still stored under NTFS. If it does work to expectations, my UR database is ready to go. Well almost - I will for example clear the URL property value for all relevant documents. (Which of course is soooo easy in UR!)

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