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igoldsmid 05-17-2007 06:03 PM

Workaround to edit saved web pages

1. Inability to edit saved web pages in UR

2. Inability to copy html and save as rich text - (When you select content of web page in UR or any browser - then copy, then execute a paste, you can either paste unformatted text, or html but not RTF - whereas, I need to paste RTF - along with images, clickable links, structure somewhat preserved, etc)...


1. Select some html, then copy, then paste to Microsoft Word (in my case Word 2007), then copy from the Word Doc, then paste onto UR.

This is the only workaround I have found to edit web pages in UR - that preserves much of the web page structure, images, links. But its truly a very long way round.

Obviously, and ideally, we all want Kinook to provide instant Web Page editing as soon as possible please. But has anyone found a more productive workaround to copying and pasting web content to RTF in UR?



P.S. Why do I want to edit web pages? Quite likely for the same reasons many do:

a) permanent highlighting, font accentuation/coloring
b) AND especially creating wiki links to other content in UR

cnewtonne 05-17-2007 07:46 PM

I use a slick app called clipcache. Once you copy HTML content to it, it allows you to view it in either HTML or rtf. Simply double click on the rtf table and it is all yours in UR. Works great.

igoldsmid 05-17-2007 08:38 PM

Thanks, but I must be missing something about ClipCache. It does indeed capture web pages and displays them exactly as they should be. Then there is a text tab which gives a plain text view (that can be copied as plain text) which does not include any images.... it does retain some clickable links, but most are stripped out. In other words, it does not do the same job as copying to Word, or importing a web page into Evernote for example, where with EverNote the web page is immediately editable, and it retains all images and links, and much of the structure.

Am I missing something or is ClipCache similar to copying and pasting a web page as text directly into UR?

Thanks, IJG

TMF 05-18-2007 01:36 AM

I would like this too, but I can see it might be a bit complex/major feature?

For one-time edits, one could use ScrapBook, Firefox add-on, and from there, after editing is done, send the page to UR using the UR add-on.

quant 05-18-2007 02:22 AM

I also suggest ScapBook, it works nicely. Then obviously, if you want to further edit website, it means to have an html (preferable WYSIWYG) editor. I use Nandu, which is also Firefox extension.

janrif 05-18-2007 07:41 AM

Thanks for the workarounds but isn't this all kind of rediculous for a product like UltraRecall? Why isn't this built into the product? It sort of reminds me of the kludgy way we first had to import data from firefox with that extension before Kinook decided it was time to write their own. Now, at least, that works flawlessly.

cnewtonne 10-01-2007 11:36 AM

Editing Storege Web Content: An Effective Solution/work-around
I just wanted to add this suggestion on editing stored web pages via UR. Unfortunately, Nando has not been updated and it returns more errors that it needs to.

1) Of course, make sure you list HTML extension in 'documents to open stored writable' under options/documents.

2) Install FREE HTML Quick Edit Bar from

3) To edit a stored document ...
if you're default is Firefox, do a control+E then 'edit' to open IE for editing. If using IE, simply do control+J and edit.

4) edit as you wish, save, then close IE

5) go back to UR and resume internal editing. Your changes should be propagated.

kdelaere 02-01-2008 07:18 PM

The way I see it, short of an actual feature, is that pasting the web content into a Word Info Item in your tree structure is as good as it gets. I created a .doc in the templates tree, and made sure that the .doc is editable in the browser. That way, maybe I might just store the (now) editable web content in a Word item, or cut and paste it from this holding area. It's not particularly slow this way, and ends up being convenient.

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