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cnewtonne 05-23-2007 08:54 AM

UR Tab Features
Can you please comment on the following 'tab' features in UR...

1- I want creating a new tab to default to start a new blank one instead of a copy of the existing one. How do I do that?

2- On a typical day, I have about 15-20 tabs open. Some tabs I want to have open all the time to refer to them at any time. On so many times, I loose track of these tabs and end up refreshing their content as you move around in the tree. Is there away to lock a tab so that it never closes or changes content accidentally. If not, would you please be kind enough to consider it as a feature request?

Thank you

TMF 05-23-2007 09:29 AM

I was also thinking about locking a tab, that would be a useful feature. And speaking of tabs, once we can lock them, also the possibility to rearrange the order (move left, move right).

quant 05-23-2007 09:39 AM

this was already requested, and I'm sure they will add these features. Basically, what we are looking at is to provide all the tab features what we are familiar with in browsers, ... duplicate, protect, lock, close others, ...
But we have to bear in mind that there are literally 100s of requests ... so they have to make some balance into what features they provide at least with some limited functionally at the beginning rather that support it fully and thus having no time to implement some other features altogether ;-)

cnewtonne 05-23-2007 11:13 AM

I do appreciate the replies much. But I really would like to kindly ask to have them specific to the inquiry and direct to the point.

Having said that, is there a way to do what I have asked for? If not, is there a work-around?

kinook 05-23-2007 02:23 PM

Re: UR Tab Features

Originally posted by cnewtonne
1- I want creating a new tab to default to start a new blank one instead of a copy of the existing one. How do I do that?
That's not currently possible, but it is fairly high on the list.


2- On a typical day, I have about 15-20 tabs open. Some tabs I want to have open all the time to refer to them at any time. On so many times, I loose track of these tabs and end up refreshing their content as you move around in the tree. Is there away to lock a tab so that it never closes or changes content accidentally. If not, would you please be kind enough to consider it as a feature request?
Wow, that's a lot of tabs. You might instead consider using Favorites (and optionally, the auto-hoist favorite option [Tools | Options | Miscellaneous]) to navigate between commonly accessed items. Locking a tab would not be simple, since there are so many ways to navigate elsewhere within a tab, but it is on our list.

cnewtonne 05-23-2007 04:21 PM

thank you for your kind attention.

zargron 06-13-2007 11:50 PM

Favorites & New Tab
On the topic of tabs - I'd like the option of having a favorite open in a new tab.

Currently you can open the "Organize Favorites" dialog box, put a tick in the "New Tab" check box and click [Go] to open the item in a new tab. I'd like to have a new column of check boxes titled "New Tab". I would put a tick alongside those favorites that I want opening in a new tab. I find myself doing the following:
- opening a new tab by clicking the little earlobe next to the last tab on the right
- clicking on my favorites toolbar to go to my commonly used (often a search) item
- doing what I gota do, including navigate around a bit
- closing that tab to go back to whatever I was working on before

Sorry ;) thought of another one. What about having another new column of check boxes titled "Hoist Tree"? In other words, move this setting down from the global "options" level so that you can determine exactly which favorites you do and do not want hoisting.

kinook 06-14-2007 07:46 AM

Re: Favorites & New Tab

Originally posted by zargron
On the topic of tabs - I'd like the option of having a favorite open in a new tab.

Currently you can open the "Organize Favorites" dialog box, put a tick in the "New Tab" check box and click [Go] to open the item in a new tab. I'd like to have a new column of check boxes titled "New Tab". I would put a tick alongside those favorites that I want opening in a new tab. I find myself doing the following:
- opening a new tab by clicking the little earlobe next to the last tab on the right
- clicking on my favorites toolbar to go to my commonly used (often a search) item
- doing what I gota do, including navigate around a bit
- closing that tab to go back to whatever I was working on before

Hold down the Control key when clicking on the Favorite to open it in a new tab.


Sorry ;) thought of another one. What about having another new column of check boxes titled "Hoist Tree"? In other words, move this setting down from the global "options" level so that you can determine exactly which favorites you do and do not want hoisting.
Keep the option off and use Ctrl+Shift+H or the Tree toolbar button to hoist when desired.

zargron 06-14-2007 08:56 PM

Favorite / New Tab / Hoist Tree
Thanks for the response. I had used a few times to open favorite in new tab but forgot about to hoist tree when desired.

Before posting I practised then a few times. It'll become second nature pretty quickly. I am so impressed with UR... if a direct answer to a user question/problem ain't available, you can bet on there being a photo finish second place!

zargron 07-19-2007 12:52 AM

Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting
Kinook, with some more UR experience under my belt, a few thoughts if I may on Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting:

(1) Already in 2007 Roadmap (excellent)
--- Open new tab blank (cnewtonne)
--- Make additional instances of same item in multiple tabs read-only
--- Support copy/cut/paste between hoisted tabs

(2) For consideration please
--- Rearrange tabs like Firefox (TMF)

--- Lock Tab (TMF)
I like this one. Right-click on a tab already presents a popup menu, perhaps you can add a new menu item to the bottom that says "Lock Tab". What impact should this have? Well, let's say I have a few tabs open, one of which has an item with a little checklist of what I want to do in the next half-an-hour. I remember to open up a NEW tab to work on task (1). So far so good. However, when I go back to my checklist to read task (2), I forget to open a new tab when clicking an item in the Data Explorer pane! :(

I suggest that when the user is looking at a "locked" tab , clicking an item in the Data Explorer pane automatically opens a NEW tab to present the selected item. BTW: the new menu item should of course toggle between "Lock Tab" and "Unlock Tab" depending on the lock status of the tab. Furthermore, whilst looking at a locked tab, when the user selects "Close Tab" from this menu, they should be prompted to confirm that they really want to close a locked tab.

--- New global option: "Open in new tab when going to a favourite"
Previously I asked for a "new tab" and "hoist" option in the "Organize Favorites" dialog box. However, with most of my favorites I want to open in new tab and hoist tree. Therefore, I propose the relatively simple addition of the above option alongside the existing option "Hoist Tree When going to a favorite". This would give me the behaviour I want 90% of the time when using favourites. With the existing behaviour, perhaps it toggles between open in new/current tab depending on whether the option is turned off/on. For example, with the "new tab" option OFF, opens the favorite in NEW tab, with it ON, opens the favorite in CURRENT tab.

--- Explorer Tree context menu: "Open & Hoist in New Tab"
The right-click menu in the Data Explorer pane already has "Open in New Tab".
What about a new menu item just below it with "Open & Hoist in New Tab"?

janrif 07-19-2007 06:54 AM

Re: Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting

Originally posted by zargron
Kinook, with some more UR experience under my belt, a few thoughts if I may on Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting: [snip]
For whatever it's worth, I second all your suggestions as good, practical additions to URp.

zargron 07-19-2007 10:44 PM

Re: Re: Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting

Originally posted by janrif
For whatever it's worth, I second all your suggestions as good, practical additions to URp.
Cheers janrif, and especially thanks for posting.
For those of you just passing through & not bothering to interact - that's all it takes - a few quick words to say yeah or nay. :D

zargron 07-28-2007 12:16 AM

Re: Tabs & Favorites & Hoisting
Giday Kinook - a small addition please, or rather tweak to the suggestion I posted 7/19/2007.
From that post:

--- Lock Tab (TMF)
I suggest that when the user is looking at a "locked" tab , clicking an item in the Data Explorer pane automatically opens a NEW tab to present the selected item.

I should also have made comment that clicking an internal link behaves in the same manner to that suggested for clicking an item in the Data Explorer pane. In other words, opens a NEW tab.


bkonia 09-05-2007 10:12 PM

I would like to add my vote for all the features mentioned in this thread:

* Locking tabs
* Rearranging Tabs
* Option to open a favorite in a new tab
* Option to open a favorite hoisted

I also have a couple of other suggestions for enhanced tab functionality:

* Option to open pages in a new tab from the address bar. I know, you can hold down the Alt key to accomplish this, but I would like it to be the default behavior.

* A "Close" button on tabs

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