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BrandonG 06-26-2007 12:17 PM

How to check if a macro is defined via VBS
I have a multi-conditional step that is executed with a vbld_StepStarting() fuction to set values if necessary or allow the step to execute. The problem is that I want to add another condition but I can't figure out how.

I want to test on if a macro is defined. I know this is one of the drop down options in the conditions for the step through the GUI but is there a way to write the same type of check in script?

Function vbld_StepStarting()
if application.Macros(vbldProject).Item("DEFAULT_SS_Version") = application.macros(vbldProject).item("PROMPT_Supported_Version") then
Default_SS_Version = application.Macros(vbldProject).Item("DEFAULT_SS_Version")

application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "SS_Version", Default_SS_Version
application.Macros(vbldTemporary).Add "SS_Version_NODOTS", REPLACE(Default_SS_Version,".","")
'elseIf application.Macros(vbldTemporary).item("BLAH_BLAH") is defined ' this is the line that when it tries to find the value of Blah_Blah it prompts for user input. This is my pseudo code I would like.
end if
end function

kinook 06-26-2007 12:28 PM

BrandonG 06-26-2007 12:29 PM

I was sitting here clicking refresh once a minute KNOWING that it would only be a matter of minutes until someone responded.


pjaquiery 06-26-2007 03:49 PM

You can sign up for email notification when one of your posts has been replied to (note the options below the edit pane).

And yes, kinook's support through this forum is the best software support of any product I have ever encountered by a very large margin!

BrandonG 06-26-2007 04:09 PM

I know
I have email notifications. But they don't make it to my inbox. They only get as far as the SPAM folder in my mailbox on the exchange server. Besides, I knew it would only take a few minutes!

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