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wordmuse 07-07-2007 04:53 PM

freeze on certain items

Most of the time URP3 works as I expect.

However, I'm having a problem with some rich text items that also contain images - especially if the images are inside tables.

What happens is that URP3 freezes. I have to close the program and restart.

It doesn't matter if I select the item with my mouse or via the keyboard. Once selected the program freezes.

I'm not sure if this is related to Vista, to a bug in the latest version of URP3, or some kind of corruption in the item.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of behavior?

More importantly, is there a fix for it?



zargron 07-08-2007 10:31 AM

You talk about images in tables. Since the internal RTF editor doesn't "support" tables, are you editing:

(a) within UR using another editor,
(b) outside UR and pasting some or all of the contents?

I can't help you with point (a). With more sophisticated editing, I create a text item, write a synopsis in the item text area, then point to my external document using the URL attribute.

Having said that, I do make use of point (b) from time to time. Your post here prompted me to make the following post:

When it comes to putting images in item text, I haven't experienced any problems so far. I will however experiment with putting images in tables and let you know if I have any problems.

(BTW - I use XP and do you want to give us more detail about your image / table / text manipulation steps?)

wordmuse 07-08-2007 11:39 AM

Hi -

you're correct - I did Ctrl+J to get the images/tables the way I wanted them using Word 2007. So it may be right there that the problem exists.

I did a multi-item select, which included the problem item, copied the contents, pasted it as a new item and then Ctrl+Jd it anew. I converted the tables back to text and got rid of the graphics.

Now it works fine. At some point, when I near the end of my li'l ol' creation, I'll do an independent export to Word and save the thing externally.


zargron 07-08-2007 01:05 PM

Sounds like you tend to store contents internally.

So, I probably won't be helping you solve this freeze problem in the near future. I generally stay away from Store Contents, therefore using a combination of on the URL attribute or embedded hyperlinks to edit documents externally. As alluded to, when I feel it is appropriate, I make good use of copy & paste from such documents to make pretty stuff appear in the item text area. :)

kinook 07-08-2007 09:43 PM

The version of riched20.dll included with Office 2007 (and optionally copied for use with UR during installation) has a bug when pasting images in some situations, and could conceivably also have other issues (for instance, when selected images in tables).

Try closing UR and deleting riched20.dll from its installation path. If that resolves the freeze problem, but since you may be depending on improved table presentation features of newer version of the rich edit control, you could try a newer version than the system one (but older than the Office 2007 one); one of them is available at

Beyond that, you may need to avoid selecting images within tables.

wordmuse 07-10-2007 10:54 PM

Thanks for the tips... For now I'll avoid graphics in tables.


kobim 09-25-2008 11:39 AM

I had a problem of external editing using Word 2007,
once getting back to the internal editor made UR freeze.
I just tried to replace the RICHED20.dll with the one suggested in this post and it solved the problem!
so if anyway have the same problem you may try this workaround.


Originally posted by kinook
The version of riched20.dll included with Office 2007 (and optionally copied for use with UR during installation) has a bug when pasting images in some situations, and could conceivably also have other issues (for instance, when selected images in tables).

Try closing UR and deleting riched20.dll from its installation path. If that resolves the freeze problem, but since you may be depending on improved table presentation features of newer version of the rich edit control, you could try a newer version than the system one (but older than the Office 2007 one); one of them is available at

Beyond that, you may need to avoid selecting images within tables.

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