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zargron 07-23-2007 12:38 AM

Closing Databases
Kinook, would you please consider introduction of either or both of the following?

(A) New command line parameter to close databases, eg. /closedb, where either the specified database or all databases are closed.

(B) New menu item available from system tray icon titled [Close All Databases]. Perhaps it could be placed between [Open Database] and [Recent]. I would recommend a (Yes/No) confirmation dialog box.

cnewtonne 07-23-2007 02:26 PM

I manage UR totally via KB. For operations that does not have native KB support, I extend it using macro tools. These are some examples I manage this way ...
- close a DB
- close all DBs
- close ur
- save and apply text formatting
- back it up.
- Browse process list and do whatever (kill, close, bring to front, pin, ...).

zargron 07-23-2007 09:52 PM

Enhanced UR Control

Originally posted by cnewtonne
I manage UR totally via KB. For operations that does not have native KB support, I extend it using macro tools...
Excellent point cnewtonne. I really should get back into streamlining things with that sort of technique. I've had RoboTask for over 6 months now and hardly used it at all! What software do you use - that you've obviously found to be cool with UR?

cnewtonne 07-25-2007 09:04 AM

I've used Automize and MacroExpress. The later is an exemplary piece of software and I recommend it without hesitation. I used for over 4 years now without a single glitch. I also used PerfectKeyboard which is a lower grade alternative compared to the first 2. It is less stable, many inconsistencies, and not at all as agile. I use it because it is the only tool I've see that automates saving and retrieving RTF snippets via KB shortkeys.

zargron 07-25-2007 12:39 PM

Task Automation
Cheers cnewtonne, googled MacroExpress & PerfectKeyboard, made a note (in UR of course) and will try them out early August.

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