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janrif 08-03-2007 07:21 AM

weird web content
Kinook, using the rtf.dll (I know this isn't right name) recommended from an earlier post, I copied & V data which was derived from Google Reader, i.e. I subscribe to various forums via reader.

The result is that all data that is copied & pasted to URp appears underlined. Same for paste special html & paste special txt & copy to URp. I suppose this makes it a Google reader problem but decided to post in case you have some thoughts on this. Thank you.

kinook 08-03-2007 12:24 PM

That works ok here pasting as rich text or HTML (UR Pro 3.1.1, Win XP SP2, IE6, standard Windows riched20.dll).

janrif 08-03-2007 03:05 PM


Originally posted by kinook
That works ok here pasting as rich text or HTML (UR Pro 3.1.1, Win XP SP2, IE6, standard Windows riched20.dll).
Hmmmm. i'm using RICHED20.DLL version
on an w2k machine. What version dll did you test with?

kinook 08-03-2007 03:30 PM

janrif 08-03-2007 03:37 PM


Originally posted by kinook
OK, where do I get that one & is it in UR's path?

I had used this as my guide
|---------------------------[ Start ] -------------------------|

v2 added an option during installation to copy the Office rich edit control to the UR installation path if available (since some versions improve table display: But it appears that some versions of riched20.dll are buggy, resulting in the behavior you describe. Close UR and try one of the following:

1) Delete riched20.dll from the UR installation path
2) Replace it with the one in this file:

|--------------------------- [ End ] --------------------------|

kinook 08-03-2007 03:53 PM

It's the version that comes with Windows XP. See here for how to revert to the Windows-installed version:

janrif 08-03-2007 03:58 PM


Originally posted by kinook
It's the version that comes with Windows XP. See here for how to revert to the Windows-installed version:
Doesn't help me, I'm on a w2k-sp4 machine

kinook 08-03-2007 04:00 PM

The instructions are not specific to Windows XP.

janrif 08-03-2007 04:04 PM


Originally posted by kinook
The instructions are not specific to Windows XP.
I read that thread, understood it & used the info from that thread to d/l a versioin of RICHEDIT. I also removed RICHEDIT from my UR path. I'm going around in circles here. Thanks anyway. Maybe I can find some help elsewhere.

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