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BrandonG 08-16-2007 04:19 PM

Can Jscript and VBScript co-exist
I have a fairly large build script. The default language is VBS and everything is written in VBS. I have a need to utilize functionality that is in js and not vbs. Is there a way to make them co-exist? The location where I need it is inside of a step that has a TON of vbs that i wouldn't want to rewrite.

kinook 08-16-2007 05:00 PM

Other than Run Script steps, all other step script code (script events, script expressions, etc.) must use the default script language. You might be able to get away with dynamically changing the default script language mid-build.

BrandonG 08-17-2007 10:14 AM

Is there a way to call another step from within a step? Or maybe a custom action? We could always embed the js inside of another step or action.

kevina 08-17-2007 02:51 PM

Below is a sample Run Script vbscript that creates a new project with a single Run Script (jscript) step, which retrieves the computer name with jscript, which the VBScript "uses". This is derived from the Script.bld sample.


jscript = "var cname = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Network').ComputerName;" & vbcrlf & _
        "Application.Macros(vbldMacroProject).Add('CNAME', cname);"

val = RunJScript(jscript, "CNAME")
msgbox val

Function RunJScript(script, macroName)
        Dim objApp, objBld, objStep

        ' create VisBuildPro app and build objects and connect
        Set objBld = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr6.Builder")
        Set objApp = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr6.Application")
        objBld.Initialize objApp

        ' create an empty LOGFILE macro to disable logging of the
        ' temporary project
        objApp.Project.Macros.Add "LOGFILE", ""

        ' create a project that creates a file
        ' add a write File step and set its properties
        Set objStep = objApp.Project.Steps(vbldStepMain).Add("Run Script")
        objStep.Name = "Run JScript"
        objStep.Indent = 0
        objStep.Property("Language") = "JScript"
        objStep.Property("Script") = script

        ' build the dynamic project
        if objBld.SyncBuild() = vbldBuildCompDone Then
                RunJScript = objApp.Project.Macros(macroName).Value
                builder.LogMessage "Error in script"
                step.BuildStatus = vbdStepStatFailed
        End If
End Function

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