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shafjac 02-10-2004 11:06 AM

GAC Install Partial failure
I'm encountering a weird error when attempting to perform a GAC Install step via Visual Build Pro. I'm attempting to install an assembly to the GAC, and then "Update AssemblyFolders registry key" (the value I have for that textbox is DeluxeLog.LogReader). The output for this step is as follows:


Building project step 'Install LogReader library to the Global Assembly Cache'...
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\bin\gacutil.exe" /nologo /if "c:\development_current\Common\Lib\LogReader\bin\Release\LogReader.dll"
Assembly successfully added to the cache
The system cannot find the file specified.
Step 'Install LogReader library to the Global Assembly Cache' failed

So it seems that the assembly gets installed to the cache just fine, but the registry part is failing (in fact, if I remove the registry key text, it works just fine). The odd thing is that this works fine on my local machine, but not on my build machine. I'm not sure if it's a configuration setting or what. What file is it trying to find?

Any ideas?

Also, I apologize if this has already been covered, I can't seem to force the forum software to search for "GAC" -- it requires a minimum of 4 letters, and nothing pertinent came up for "global assembly cache".

Thanks in advance for any help.

kinook 02-10-2004 12:32 PM

From the GAC Install help topic:

Update AssemblyFolders registry key: If a folder name is specified in this field, a registry key by that name is create/updated or removed from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramewor k\AssemblyFolders and its default entry set to the path of the assembly file.

Apparently that registry key does not exist on the box this is failing on.

shafjac 02-10-2004 12:34 PM


Originally posted by kinook
From the GAC Install help topic:

Update AssemblyFolders registry key: If a folder name is specified in this field, a registry key by that name is create/updated or removed from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramewor k\AssemblyFolders and its default entry set to the path of the assembly file.

Apparently that registry key does not exist on the box this is failing on.

Okay, but shouldn't the GAC Install create the registry key if it's not there?

kevina 02-10-2004 03:30 PM

It probably should and we will add that request to the list of issues/enhancements to address in a future release of Visual Build Pro.

Our developers made the assumption that this default value was created during a normal .NET FrameSDK and/or VS.NET install, which must not ALWAYS be the case.

For now if you manually create this default value under the registry key specified earlier in the thread, everything should work on your build machine.

If you want this to be automated, add a Write Registry step (before the GAC Install step) that ensures this default value exists (it will create the key if missing)...


shafjac 02-11-2004 10:19 AM

Ah, okay. For a minute there I thought you were saying the DeluxeLog.LogReader subkey didn't exist so the GAC Install failed.

But evidently you meant that the AssemblyFolders key wasn't there and therefore the attempt to create the DeluxeLog.LogReader subkey failed. And you're right -- that AssemblyFolders key wasn't on that machine. I would have assumed the same thing you did -- that key should be created by default, but I guess not in every case.

Anyway, I created that key and the build works fine now.

If it's any help to you, that machine is running a pretty fresh install of Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition. I'm pretty sure that comes pre-installed with the .NET framework.

Thanks for the help.

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