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Quantum7 11-11-2007 10:00 AM

Usability - Drag an item in between
1. I select an item with the mouse (i.e. A).
2. I want to move it in between two other items in the tree (B and C). So I start dragging it.
3. I can't seem to do that. If I drag it to B, it gets added beneath B, if I drag it to C, it gets added beneath C. If I drag it to b's parent, it gets added to the bottom of the list of B.

Low priority suggestion:
The ability to have a horizontal line between items to which can be dragged. That would insert it there.

- This seems more useful if the list is longer.
- I might be missing a way in which to do this ofcourse (didn't see a suggestion about it yet though).

wordmuse 11-11-2007 02:07 PM

Try dragging while holding down the Shift key.

Quantum7 11-11-2007 02:43 PM

I can then choose from a menu, but that doesn't seem to help in moving an item to a specific position in between items.

(or am I missing something?)

wordmuse 11-12-2007 12:34 AM

When I drag an item from one place to another in the Explorer pane, a little arrow appears next to the mouse cursor. If I simply drag the item, that arrow appears as a right-pointing arrow.

However, if I drag an item while holding down the shift key, that arrow points up, and it inserts the dragged item just above the item over which the mouse cursor hovers.

Thus I can drag an item between any of its siblings, and I can insert an item from anywhere in between any other two items.

Letting go of the shift key moves the dragged item to the destination and inserts it as a child.

Let me know if this is responsive or if I should go another round.


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