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quant 01-18-2008 11:11 AM

Reminder dialog: click snooze to be reminded again AT
Concrete real life situation which just happened:

I have a certain task, to which I need to do some follow up call, reminder dialogue shows up, ... I make a call ... I'm told to call again at 16:45 when the person is back.

- call finished, my reminder dialogue still open. I need to be reminded at 16:45 to make the call again ... small problem, I need to calculate how to set the reminder (EDITED: I meant "snooze reminder").

It would be nice if I could set AT what time the reminder dialogue should show again, ie. I'd like to be able to set the "pending reminder" attribute in the reminder dialogue.


Jon Polish 01-18-2008 04:16 PM

This is a good idea!


armsys 01-18-2008 08:21 PM

Re: Reminder dialog: click snooze to be reminded again AT

Originally posted by quant
Concrete real life situation which just happened:

I have a certain task, to which I need to do some follow up call, reminder dialogue shows up, ... I make a call ... I'm told to call again at 16:45 when the person is back.

- call finished, my reminder dialogue still open. I need to be reminded at 16:45 to make the call again ... small problem, I need to calculate how to set the reminder.

It would be nice if I could set AT what time the reminder dialogue should show again, ie. I'd like to be able to set the "pending reminder" attribute in the reminder dialogue.


I suppose it's just a matter of personal preference. You did make the phone but the person wasn't available. So it should be an Appointment record indicating the actual call time. I would duplicate the record with the new time to call and a new reminder.

quant 01-19-2008 02:52 AM

Re: Re: Reminder dialog: click snooze to be reminded again AT

Originally posted by armsys
I suppose it's just a matter of personal preference. You did make the phone but the person wasn't available. So it should be an Appointment record indicating the actual call time. I would duplicate the record with the new time to call and a new reminder.

it's the same task/appointment ... just need to be reminded a bit later ... but not 10 ... 15 minutes later, but exactly AT ...

It's not matter of personal preference ... it's a matter of convenience to be able to set the reminder to the concrete time (which means to set the pending reminder) directly in the reminder dialogue.

ashwken 01-19-2008 05:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by quant

- call finished, my reminder dialogue still open. I need to be reminded at 16:45 to make the call again ... small problem, I need to calculate how to set the reminder.

It would be nice if I could set AT what time the reminder dialogue should show again, ie. I'd like to be able to set the "pending reminder" attribute in the reminder dialogue.

It would appear that Reminder and Snooze attributes are parsed:

Help - Reminders
You can either select one of the predefined Reminder values, or enter a manual value (a non-zero number + a predefined denomination).

Some manually entered Reminder value samples:

22 minutes
5 hours
8 days
5 weeks

Help - Reminder Dialog
Snooze: Reset the reminder into the future by the specified snooze delay amount.
Additionally, the Snooze timer begins at the point in time when the Snooze Button is clicked, another variable in your calculation.

Currently, you would need to Open + Dismiss the Item in a new Tab, then reset the Begin Time to (16:45) and the Reminder value to (0 minutes), then close the Tab.

If the Snooze attribute were parsed to recognize a (Time) value - assumes current Date and Reminder of (0) minutes...

Is this what we're talking about?

quant 01-19-2008 08:32 PM

yes, reminder and snooze are different, the main point is that they set the calculated attribute "pending reminder" which is relevant for "reminder dialogue" pop-up.

armsys 01-19-2008 09:52 PM


Originally posted by quant
yes, reminder and snooze are different, the main point is that they set the calculated attribute "pending reminder" which is relevant for "reminder dialogue" pop-up.
Does ashwken's solutoin satisfy your requirement? It sounds good to me. That's exactly what I'm doing. Perhaps you have a wonderful idea on how to implement the rescheduled appointment + reminder, which we aren't enlightened yet.

quant 01-20-2008 04:53 AM


Originally posted by armsys
Does ashwken's solutoin satisfy your requirement? It sounds good to me. That's exactly what I'm doing. Perhaps you have a wonderful idea on how to implement the rescheduled appointment + reminder, which we aren't enlightened yet.

??? No, it doesn't!

I'd like to set EXACT time when the reminder dialogue should show up again. At the moment, this is done through the snooze which sets the "pending reminder" accordingly. It doesn't do anything else, it doesn't change reminder attribute, neither reschedules appointment.

But, this is often inconvenient if you know exactly when you want to be reminded again, so setting pending reminder attribute explicitly would solve this case.

armsys 01-20-2008 05:33 AM

Now eventually I can see your requirement. You want your reminder to set exactly as 16:45 per your previous aforementioned example.
Forgive my humble knowledge in UR. I suppose the reminder concept in UR was derived from Outlook ("OL"). You'll find the reminder in OL is actually set relative to the Appointment time. Correct me if I err.
Now the ball is in Kinook's court.
Again, thanks for your effort in expounding the wonderful idea.

quant 01-21-2008 10:05 AM


Originally posted by armsys
Now eventually I can see your requirement. You want your reminder to set exactly as 16:45 per your previous aforementioned example.
Forgive my humble knowledge in UR. I suppose the reminder concept in UR was derived from Outlook ("OL"). You'll find the reminder in OL is actually set relative to the Appointment time. Correct me if I err.
Now the ball is in Kinook's court.
Again, thanks for your effort in expounding the wonderful idea.

I admit I was a bit unclear when writing

"... small problem, I need to calculate how to set the reminder"

it should have been

"... small problem, I need to calculate how to set the Click snooze to be reminded again in the Reminder dialogue."


quant 03-04-2008 03:53 AM

another thing I'd welcome, could you please add option to display "recurrence" and possibly other schedule related attributes in the "reminder dialogue"? Thanks

quant 07-26-2008 08:34 AM

Another related suggestion, again it comes from real life situation:

You create an appointment, set to be reminded say 2 hours before it, but you are busy then so use the snooze function ... unfortunately you set the snooze so that the pending reminder > "Begin" and when the reminder dialogue comes up next, you realize you missed your appointment!
I'd like to suggest a "Warning confirmation dialogue" that would pop up if user sets snooze that would create the pending reminder after "Begin" date/time.

Just to sum up the reminder related suggestions from this thread:

1. being able to set "pending reminder" in the reminder dialogue as an alternative to setting snooze time

2. display "recurrence" attribute in the reminder dialogue so that you can use "snooze" function more effectively (you wouldn't need to snooze if you see that the task is coming up again tomorrow for example)

3. warn if snooze sets the "pending reminder" after "Begin"


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