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StephenUK 01-27-2008 12:06 PM

Moving UR between monitors
I run three monitors off my PC and frequently move programs around between the monitors. If I move UR from one monitor to another, then it works only for the database that is currently in focus. If I switch to another database (eg using f6) the whole program reverts to the previous screen.

Is there any way to move the whole program around?

kinook 01-28-2008 09:09 AM

Currently, you would need to close all (or all but one) databases, reposition UR onto another monitor, then exit and restart UR.

StephenUK 01-28-2008 12:52 PM

Kevina, yes, that does work. But in fact that is the problem I was asking about indirectly. I have about ten databases open. So to close all but one, and then reopen nine again after the move, is quite time consuming.

Any chance that in v4 everything might reposition together? (I realise, of course, that not many people use three monitors...)

kinook 01-28-2008 02:15 PM

I use 3 monitors too but seldom reposition an application after moving to the desired monitor.

If all the databases are in the same folder, you can multi-select in Explorer and then launch all at once (via Enter or right-click -> Open). Alternative, you could create shortcuts to the databases in a single folder (and select+launch as above) or create a batch file (text file with .bat extension) like


and launch that to open all of them at once.

StephenUK 01-28-2008 03:52 PM

Thank you for those suggestions. In fact I agree with you that UR mainly stays on the same monitor, which is a subsidiary one for me. It is only if I want to do some intensive work that I move it to the central monitor. Not a major issue. I thought maybe I was missing some obvious setting.

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