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-   -   Sudden Errors during Installshield build ( 03-05-2008 05:13 PM

Sudden Errors during Installshield build
I have all of the sudden started getting the following error message; (excerpt from VBP log.)

Resolving strings...
Language English (United States) built
Building CAB files...
ISDEV : error -5044: Cannot delete directory c:\temp\DIR837.tmp
ISDEV : fatal error -5087: Stop at first error
CPC32\CPC32 - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I am on version 6.7 and using InstallShield Pro 12 on Vista Ultimate.

I can of course go directly to this location and delete the folder manually using the same login.

This problem does not appear when I create the InstallShield build in the InstallShield IDE.

kinook 03-05-2008 05:28 PM

It appears that InstallShield still has open handle(s) to the directory when it tries to delete it when building from the command-line.

You should be able to reproduce the problem outside of VBP by checking the 'Log command-line...' checkbox on the Options tab, rebuilding the step, then copying and pasting the command-line from the build output to a Command Prompt and running it from there.

These might give some clues: 03-05-2008 05:36 PM


Originally posted by kinook
It appears that InstallShield still has open handle(s) to the directory when it tries to delete it when building from the command-line.

You should be able to reproduce the problem outside of VBP by checking the 'Log command-line...' checkbox on the Options tab, rebuilding the step, then copying and pasting the command-line from the build output to a Command Prompt and running it from there.

These might give some clues:

I looked at those forum posts, however it is a temp directory that it is creating. After the error occurs, the directory is empty!

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